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  1. Egrets

    Gun Magazines

    Well put! To me the environment feels more dangerous when i know that more players are armed (even with low tier weapons). With the way that guns + ammo spawn now, there is a big element of fear/tension missing from SA when compared to the mod. People are celebrating player interactions in SA, but to me the interactions feel cheap, and forced (since so many people are running around the map unarmed) I like your idea if i'm paraphrasing it correctly that: maybe players should get a working gun in their hands a bit quicker, but ammo is harder to come by.
  2. Viable guns with ammo were actually way easier to come by in vanilla DayZ (even mods like DayZero). The mod gave you viable low tier weapons that could be obtained from low traffic loot spots such as barns, pubs, and deer-stands. The mod was scarier because people were armed more frequently. In SA it seems like players are funneled into a handful of high value towns (ones that have multiple piano buildings, police buildings, etc), where as in the mod you could first loot the barn outside of town; get an Enfield, and then progress around the map from there. There was a certain dynamic to the way you got geared in the mod, that when compared to SA feels way more static. TLDR: SA needs low tier guns that spawn in barns.
  3. Egrets

    Anyone know how moddable the standalone is?

    It isn't really clear if rocket was talking about the release of the alpha, or the release of the full game In that comment. I'm all for modding and custom servers. Give players the option to PvE, PvP, and everything in between. I'd rather have options, instead of being locked to one play style. In the mod sometimes I felt like DayZero, sometimes I felt like Overwatch. The variety was nice.
  4. Egrets

    DayZ SA is already becoming too damn easy

    Other players with guns makes survival harder if anything. If you don't put guns on the map you remove some of the tension that makes dayz fun, that fear of being gunned down at any moment.
  5. Egrets

    Whole map

    Without really talking about realism; players aren't using the map because it's too rare, and not very useful. I say ditch the map pieces, and make the item more useful so that people don't tab out to DayZDB. Make it so that with the combination of a map, and compass, players can set a map marker that doesn't give exact distance, but instead points to a generalized quadrant. If the player is already in the quadrant where a marker is placed, the marker doesn't work.
  6. Egrets

    Fists are overpowered

    Fists are absolutely overpowered. Knockouts are a neat idea, but the system needs adjusting. In real life there are tons of defensive postures a person would take if they were being assaulted by fists. If you see a punch coming, you probably aren't going to get knocked out by it. People do get knocked out in real life, but it's usually from a sucker punch, and not when two opponents are engaging each other. Fatigue should be a factor. When you throw a bunch of punches in real life, you get fatigued, and you're going to be even less likely to land a knockout punch after that. In DayZ i think all this should mean: -Punch person in back of head = knockout -Punch person in front of head = slim chance of knockout -Prone or crouching opponent = higher chance of knockout -There should be a chance of breaking bones in your hand, which you need morphine to fix. TLDR: A lot of fist fights in real life don't end in knockouts, which should be reflected in the game somehow.
  7. Egrets

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    I've never viewed loot cycling as a big issue because Chernarus is a finite map. You're always rotating between different spots and loot cycling to a certain degree. I agree with OP that the overall dynamic of the game being linked with server restarts isn't good.
  8. Egrets

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    I think 60-90 seconds would be the way to go. I agree with OP that 30 seconds isn't long enough.
  9. Egrets

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    Yes, all this! It would make more sense if hitting someone from behind had a high chance of a knockout, while hitting from the front had a very low chance of a knockout. Same would apply for prone vs standing. Definitely needs balancing, and in my opinion knockouts should be rare unless you hit from behind.
  10. Egrets

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    I'd like to see loot respawn addressed soon. It's too all or nothing right now. The first people who move through the coast get all the gear, and everyone who logs in after that get literally nothing. In my eyes that's just a really bad dynamic.
  11. Egrets

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    I honestly think that a big part of why people are hopping so much is the fact that loot does not re-spawn. The meta-game right now is based around server restarts, and the availability of loot being directly linked with server pop, and server up time. If loot actually respawned, instead of thinking about all that stuff, everyone could just log onto a full server and start exploring the map.
  12. What if the guns that spawned in Balota had a high chance of being damaged, while pristine weapons were more common further north? Have 10 round magazines spawn near the coast, and you have to travel north to find high capacity magazines. Same logic could apply to scopes or any gear really Thats the kind of balance i'd like to see, rather than all the guns being super rare.
  13. Egrets

    Low FPS for few seconds after 0.29?

    Yes, i'm getting this same thing. Short freezes/slow downs that last for 1 second or so. I never noticed this before the last update.