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Everything posted by mrscratch

  1. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Yes I agree cl0sed. I did some more searching and there was a discussion for Oculus support in the Dayz Mod section asking about it for standalone about a year ago. The thread is now locked so now that both Dayz Standalone along with the Oculus itself are looking at a release next year whats the status update on this subject?
  2. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Bumping back to front page. With all the excited chatter from the DayZ team in regards to Oculus support I'm surprised this is being overlooked.
  3. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    They were talking about how the interface features 3D models that pop out at you and how impressive the whole thing was. There's a video here of a guy using TriDef to fake a 3D effect which kinda looks like a 3D movie you would see in theaters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVWNbQNvSrc
  4. I don't find this informative enough, it's kind of like someone giving an opinion on their own personal experiences and someone else agrees that their own personal experience is similar to the previous. Both statements are not constructive. Here's an example of a constructive response: I disagree. If someone was to say stick a can of beans right next to your eyeballs then your bodies first reaction is to subconsciously shift your head and shoulders back away from said beans. The engine already has the ability to "Lean Left" and "Lean Right" that does not interrupt movement so I don't see why it would be a problem making the body "Lean Back" slightly automatically when you move too close to a wall. The only real valid claims I've been able to pick up from this thread is that alot of people had issues with some old system or they fear a forced weapon lower / handgun switch etc. With a automatic lean back function it would actually make it easier for newer players to navigate tight spaces because your upper body is shifting slightly back when too close to wall which inadvertently improves your ability to see which in turn improves your situation awareness.
  5. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Bumping back to first page, according to the search feature this is the first time Oculus has ever been mentioned on this forum which I find quite disturbing.
  6. There's no reason a team as talented as those working on this can't setup some sort of body shifting like Arma3 has that functions automatically based on your positioning that does not interrupt WASD based movement. I mean hell they got their game setup so you have to find some sort of object to open a can of food, water purification, portable gas stoves for cooking etc etc etc. Anyways immersion is all part of the game and it is absolutely possible for an idea like this to be pulled off without effecting gameplay dramatically so there shouldn't be any reason that the staff shouldn't make a minor note about it somewhere to come back to it later down the road. Absolutely irrelevant information in regards to a suggestion thread. Now if the original poster said something along the lines of "THE ZOMBIES WONT RESPAWN" then yes, such an obnoxious response is completely relevant to an ignorant post. However this is not an ignorant complaint. You're bandwagoning the "I'm an alpha tester look at me" train. One of our minor jobs is to have these types of discussions so that they can enter the "being thought about" phase. Irrelevant. There is a 100% chance that the DayZ team is going to look into the "stability and continuity issues" in the near future. Look if you people do not fully understand the importance of a suggestion thread when partaking in an alpha build then don't bother with those types of threads. "That's a terrible idea because of my own personal performance" said shamE. Little did he know that it's actually possible to implement something like this without effecting his movement. Sorry you haven't fully thought this response through, but it is possible. You almost made a constructive response, but you depended on hyperbole too much to push your view on what you personally think the executed action would look like. Try holding shift so that when you are indoors you walk just like you do in real life. I don't know about you but I find real life is a bit clunky when I'm jogging around my house. Oh and don't forget what I already mentioned above ["That's a terrible idea because of my own personal performance" said shamE. Little did he know that it's actually possible to implement something like this without effecting his movement.]. You are basing a thought off of the work of some guys like you and me did many years ago. You should be visualizing the thought in regards to what a highly experienced team with modern day BI connections can do instead. Not a very constructive response. Honestly this thread is disgusting and unprofessional in terms of responses. However this is the type of thing you get when you can just buy your way into early alpha access.
  7. mrscratch

    Are There Only 3 Guns On 1st Release?

    It's to stop our countries joke politic system. People were pushing for an all out ban on 3D printers to stop people from creating "undetectable plastic murder tools". By going full on public with all the different types of plastic crap (yes, crap) people seen from CAD the public becomes more aware that it is not as easy as clicking some link and hitting the print button on a magical device. Had this not happen then most of the world would believe whatever web you spin in terms of 3D printed parts which helps stop ignorance. Never underestimate the power of ignorance when dealing with politics.
  8. mrscratch

    Are There Only 3 Guns On 1st Release?

    Arms trafficking is a serious problem in Russia. You don't have to be in the military to receive "military" weapons as most of them are standard rifles with tacky rails and optics. Besides, anyone worth their salt already knows that nothing beats a nugget.
  9. mrscratch

    YouTube Proof of Commercial Rights

    Almost every developer doesn't care if you feature content from their games, it's free advertising. The problem exists from the very small handful of schmuck companies with powerful lawyers that exploit console goofballs purely for profit. They're putting too much pressure on youtube which is one of the reasons why they are shifting away from video game footage so that they stop receiving bad news from said lawyers. Blame console gamers, their ignorance of quality is the bread of butter to all these powerful trashy studios.
  10. >Spawn near the end of the western side of the map >After heading west realize I am near the end of the western side of the map >Try to drown myself in the ocean, find out I can breath underwater. >Head east, see a flashlight in the never ending night cycle heading my way >Tell him that we're near the end of the western side of the map. >We run down the road east together >We find another player with a shovel, ask him to beat me to death. >He hits me about 16 times, I'm bleeding from every orifice but I still have plenty of color vision. >Tell him to swing like a man. >You are unconscious. >Wait for host >Wait for host >alt-f4