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Everything posted by mrscratch

  1. mrscratch

    Does suppressor make any difference?

    It will be difficult to tell without the DayZ staff to comment on it. Since DayZ takes pride in it's realism it's possible that they could be going the route of a realistic suppresser as opposed to the "TV/VideoGame" ones you see in pretty much 99% of the games out there. To go a bit more indepth on the subject real life suppressors do not function like the do in the movies. Their primary function is simply to lower the noise report to something that is safe for human hearing. Now of course there are some guys out there who do need something that functions like they do in the movies and those require special ammunition and quite often include a complex integral where the suppressor is actually part of the barrel. Anyways if you are screwing a can on the end of a M4 and throwing down default ammo it's still going to be loud. Not to mention the bullet still suffers from supersonic cracks. It's entirely possible that the staff is approaching suppressers from a realistic point or view. Or they are not functioning ingame. Like I said a subject like this would really benefit from staff input.
  2. Sometimes I'll take a geared player to the shores and hunt other geared players who visually have no business being there (IE: a fully decked out player bush camping in a city that I see around a corner abusing third person). One time on my way to bolota I seen a fresh spawn running down the street when I was slightly off the road. I chased him while making noises in direct chat ( the classic rave "unce unce unce unce unce unce"). When he realized he was being chased by a guy wearing best in slot everything he screamed out in a 13 year old voice "OH SHIT, please don't kill me". I put a pistol on the ground with around 30 bullets and told him he can grab it when I can no longer see him. If he goes for it while I'm in range I'll kill him while he is looting it. He thanked me and got a head start on his regearing phase. Typically I'd just ignore these guys but I have a lot of respect for the guys that don't server hop on full servers when they die.
  3. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    I disagree friend. As I mentioned earlier the Oculus is nothing more then an extremely fancy smart phone acting as a monitor. Resolution is independent from player to player, a guy with monster rig using a wall projector at crazy high resolutions is going to have zero effect on a guy with an outdated machine playing on bare minimum settings at a 800x600 resolution (other then the fact that the guy with the rig will see the other guy miles away first). Basically what I'm saying is that you are posting misinformation as to how things actually work because the situation you are describing already exists ingame. The only guy who takes a hit is the guy with the oculus because he has to render the engine twice at the same time.
  4. mrscratch

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I don't know what to tell you man. Agree to disagree at this point as I've heard of cases with up to four bounces when talking to EMS. They'll flat out tell you it's one of the most common rounds that they lose people too.
  5. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Absolutely. I'm jealous of setups like this or that one guy with the Omni treadmill thing / oculus / mag2. All I can think about is the newer old Johnny Quest cartoons I used to watch as a child when he used to jump in his virtual reality seat and fight dinosaurs and stuff on hover bikes.
  6. mrscratch

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    It's not just the skull it's any bone. Once it hits the bone it looses all its velocity and more often then not it can not exit the skin. Or when hit from far away once it breaks through the first layer it loses the velocity to break the secondary layer. It won't kill you instantly, you die on the way to the hospital or in surgery when you have holes in multiple organs. Something like a 357 can easily just punch right through you which is really bad but can be salvaged. Thus it's usually dependent on shot placement just like any other gun. Also anything JHP is deadly on soft targets so I don't understand the significance of a 9mm. Hell even a 32 JHP will shred skin once it mushrooms. Like I said take a step back and do a little bit of research when comparing weapons in a real life setting. EDIT: It's possible they want to cut down on the millions of AR-15 clones out there by just calling it a generic M4A1. The rifle is highly modifiable so chances are later down the road you wont be seeing so many default M4A1's everywhere and more-so AR's with random parts. Although I will agree the lack of a SKS or any AK platform is disturbing. Thank god we have a nugget though.
  7. mrscratch

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    You know who else makes fabricated statements like this? People who work in the Emergency Medical Service field. Relatively weak when compared to what? Penetration against armored targets? The round will absolutely destroy a human being because of it's design. Honestly you guys should review some ballistics reports before you talk about firearms in a real life setting. Yes that is how it works. If you disagree with a fact then the burden of proof is on you to disprove it.
  8. mrscratch


    I hate to be semi-offtopic here but your post is extremely disrespectful to fellow developers. If you think Starbound is popular due to the fact that it requires less system resources and costs less then you are gravely mistaken my friend. Since you seem keen on visuals let me remind you that three guys pumped out a gigs worth of 1-10kb sprites. It's that level of attention and dedication to the minor details that even allows projects like DayZ or Starbound to even exist.
  9. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Vireio Perception, running Oculus Rift with Oculus Track on engine 10. Haven't found a scope in the stand alone but I assume it's no different from DayZ mod. You can basically see accurately up to 50-100 meters away from your zoom. I can't do any real long range shots but with a scope I have no issues hitting people 200 meters away. The only real problem with the OR (other then inventory management) is that you feel like a old man having to pull out the binos when someone says "you see that thing right there?". Edit: Once I figure out the easiest way to enjoy the game with an Oculus I'll be posting up a guide on it everywhere. As soon as you mention Oculus every single big name site swoops down on you like vultures so it shouldn't be that difficult to locate.
  10. mrscratch

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Russia is like the only place in the world you can get steel 22 casings. There is no doubt that they are there, the question is where are you going to find accurate information on the subject without having to go down there and make some shady friends.
  11. mrscratch

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I feel completely ashamed for forgetting all about the 22 in terms of DayZ. It's one of the most Iconic zombie slaying calibers there has to be a 22 at some point. For any previous and future haters of the tiny round I recommend you do some balistics research on the round. Sure it's not very effective when firing at some plate carrier rig but soft targets on the other hand can drop real quick with effective shot placement and there's the pinball effect too..
  12. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    With the way I got my key layout setup I typically move around with wads/mouse but I got free look bound to a side mouse button so it's awesome running forward and turning my head all the way around to see how far away a zombies chasing me. It's those little things that make it feel so immersive.
  13. mrscratch

    Desert Eagle

    I don't see why there can't be a deagle in the game. The gun is popular due to TV/games and there absolutely is a market for it. Which means that there is going to be a handful of them floating around due to Russia's high volume of illegal weapon trafficking. I just hope that if one does make it into the game that The DayZ staff takes the high road and represents it closer to how it functions in real life as opposed to every single other game on the market that has it as the best in slot sidearm.
  14. mrscratch

    Combat loging and server hopping

    Good stuff. The more people camping low pop servers the less effective bolotasplot becomes.
  15. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Did some experimenting with Vireio Perception and finally got it working on the standalone. Only problem is that gear management is very close to impossible so we're pretty much at the gimmick stage.
  16. mrscratch

    Combat loging and server hopping

    If you don't like the server hopping gearing why don't you try hunting them? Go to bolota and join a server with like 1 guy in it. Close all the doors and pitch a tent, they love meeting new friends on a empty server.
  17. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Indeed. If you check out some of the prototypes Carmack's been working on he has wireless headsets with significantly higher resolution that actually wrap around your eyes (looks sci-fi as hell) instead of resting in front that connect his android. Not that his phone would be strong enough to play some triple A game but still the potential is ridiculous.
  18. Do you guys often walk into the middle of conversation and just throw in your two cents without any knowledge of what has already been discussed? You see, the neat thing about a message board is that everything that has been written is saved. All you have to do is hit page one and read through what everyone has posted.
  19. mrscratch

    Military bases

    It's a survival (horror) game, everything is working as intended. The issue is that most of the player base lacks survival instincts. I don't mean to come off as arrogant or anything but the fact is that if you wish to play the game the way it was intended then going deeper into the terrain will increase your survival rate for a plethora of reasons. People shouldn't head north for shiny trinkets, they should head north so that they can find some place way off in the middle of nowhere where so that they can begin rebuilding some sort of a civilization without having to worry about all the uninfected with nothing to lose washing up on the shore.
  20. mrscratch

    The Alpha NEEDS a SUICIDE option!

    This is entirely correct which is why your first post earned you a shopping cart full of beans. People are going to buy the alpha just to game, there's nothing that can be done about that. However it is a very very minor downside if some gamer is spamming respawns to get somewhere better. The upside to this is that it only takes ONE dedicated tester to spend his entire playtest glitch spamming himself into buildings and respawning out after reporting locations to prove the importance of such a feature for the alpha only. Alpha testers need tools to alpha test if they want to be effective, or they need a dedicated administration team to babysit them. Pick your poison.
  21. mrscratch

    The true reason behind KoS

    It's a survival horror mod. Survival mechanics with horror aspects just being zombies. Sure, I'll give you that it doesn't state anywhere that it's a simulator. So just replace everything I wrote with survival and it holds the same exact meaning. Even if you were killed by a fully geared player he still may only have enough supplies to last him a day or two. Also lets not forget that by killing you he is less likely to die. That is a fact, because he doesn't know who you are. Also the internet has trolls. Just because OP stated he personally does it because people like you get mad does not prove that 100% of the murders are troll related. Anything that effects the trolls effects the survivalist which is counter productive to the lead developers vision for his creation.
  22. mrscratch

    M4 test, (video)

    http://youtu.be/fPMuJ4N6bs08 thats the link to his video, if you watch it on youtube it shows up
  23. mrscratch

    The true reason behind KoS

    Zombie apocalypse simulator, simulator being the key word. In real life you don't respawn so dying of starvation because you're being nice to some stranger isn't some honorable trait, it's flat out Darwinism. Sometimes it's not just some cawdooty fps'er working on his K/D ratio. Sometimes its a desperate dying man with nothing else in his pockets to keep him going. Or it could be someone healthy that is desperate because you just looted all the valuables from the city. Sometimes it's a survivalist that understands that more often then not his chances of survival are significantly higher if you are not alive. And of course sometimes its a cawdooty working on his K/D. Point being that death is common if the simulator is to be remotely considered authentic.
  24. mrscratch

    Oculus Rift Support?

    I play DayZ Mod with my Oculus occasionally and the only issues I have is obviously the menu manipulation (mouse location is not accurate) and seeing things accurately further then 50 meters (up-scaling the resolution and bumping the fov to the near 200 range works wonders). This is a serious issue for competitive PvP however when playing in a private hive with friends it was hands down one of the most immersive things I've ever experienced. And this is with fake stereo rendering. I can easily put the headset on and about an hour later take it off then realize that 3-4 hours have gone by. From what we were lead to believe Oculus support was already in the game. However I get the feeling that they just threw on some tri-def drivers. Also you can play in third person with the Oculus, it's just a really advanced smart phone monitor. Not some kind of injector that changes games when you put it on. Indeed. It has some bad drawbacks and some awesome advantages. Obviously the head tracking it awesome. However as you mentioned the stereoscopic vision is the crown jewel. Anyone who has experienced Skyrim can verify that as the only way to explain it is to say that it's like you are there. When I look at a guy in a normal game I can make an estimate as to his distance, say like 5-10 meters away. However with an Oculus I can say that he is accurately 6 player arm lengths away. As mentioned above that was intended for developers only. As someone who has about two years experience with the Unreal Development Kit switching over to the Oculus UDK was as simple as flipping a switch. After experimenting with a few projects I can tell you right now that the low resolution is obviously not ideal for games like ARMA however if you are building a game that takes place indoors the lowered resolution gets completely lost in the immersion. This is all irrelevant of course as the retail versions will have higher resolutions. Oh and @Kra, I ordered mine months ago and it was in the high end 80k range. Lots of these units are out there so I'm hoping that we'll see alot more projects popping up in the near future.