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About dragens

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dragens

    Let me tell you all a story

    Little Wall of Text Incoming: Bursting bursting bursting out. And that makes you one of them. This is what the world should NOT do and this is what mankind is very unable to do. It is believing that we can change something with our own behavior. The worst rule is "What goes around, comes around". And not just that you expand it ti "What goes around, comes around for everyone" This makes the world bad. Do you know why Ghandi was such a great man? He believed in staying peaceful fight for his believes without a weapon. Sure it costs his life. But he did good for the World he left behind. And this is how a FRIENDLY should think. Someone who is friendly WILL HAVE a harder time cause they play the game in a way the world of DayZ (and real world) hardly supports. But they play it in a way with which they can change peoples minds. They can let "bad" player rotten in their own self masturbator power fantasies and encourage other people witnessing kindess to be the same. Cause it feels MUCH more better. The Bandits have one f*cking luck and this is the respawn of people. If you kill everyone on sight you will be alone very fast and you won't have people helping you. This is how you destroy your own good mind and this is how you destroy the good mind of others. If you want to be truly friendly then take the risk. Take the risk of losing all your stuff. Take the risk of being friendly and learn from every situation but not by killing anyone on sight, nor robbing him and so on. This just bursted now cause I'm sick of this "OMG some one was bad to me now I have no other choice than being bad too." You have a choice. Everytime. What you don't have is the balls to play this through and this is what bandits are. Ballless and afraid chickens who don't know how to do this the other way, cause it is easier and the easier way is mostly not the best it is the selfish way. So decide if you want to play a singleplayer game with human enemies. Or play a Multiplayer with human Enemies.
  2. dragens

    The true reason behind KoS

    I agree with you all. But let me state something here. KoS Is POSSIBLE so it is part of the game right? That's ok every player must decide how he wants to play and be. BUT What I hope is that people don't encourage KoS cause there are some people that love the experience of teaming up and love the experience or today MIRACLE to find random people in a friendly environment to survive. There are two types of player. Ego Shooter and Surviving simulation guys. The Ego-Shooter kill on sight the Surviving simulation guys try to get an epic experience with people they just met. The hatred against KoS is cause this people are ignorant people. And ignorance is a incredibly dumb behavior. But still they have their right to do it and Surviving-Simulation-Guys have to deal with it. I don't think KoS is a problem. I think every player has to make his own rules to play the game properly. My rule is. If someone runs around with a weapon out I will shoot him. If he put the weapon away or have no weapon in hand I will just run pass him/her. Cause everyone who has a gun ready to shoot is ready to shoot. KoS is ok and there is no other way than dealing with it. But that makes dumb KoS like "PacificForPeace" to gamers I don't want to meet on any server. I THINK. If the hive system will stay that way, that people with a decent body count (in terms of bandity) should be marked with a symbol in beside their name so people who are joining the sever can decide if they want to take the risk of getting killed by a nonsense bandit who kills people who don't even have loot. Or just want to join another server and maybe play with friendly people. Somehow there could be a system calculating a status of a bandit. The worst advice you can ever give a new player is "Shot everybody and don't trust anyone" cause this words produce american style of social behavior which causes more death than it helps having fun. This is no competition this is a game. Why do we play games? To have fun. And I have no fun KoSing other people without a good reason and have no fun in getting KoS for dumb reasons.