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Posts posted by Seozor

  1. We are sorry for the server lag we can't do anything about that shit and for those hacker ask battleEYE or Dayz Modo , we don't have the right to ban a cheater ...

    We'll try again !

    See you next \o/

    Oh i forgot , do you remember this ?

    :D trololo :D lololo :D

  2. Start in 2 h :)

    So i want to add one rule for this event just one NO serverhopper plz ,

    I can accept a sniper 1km away but no serverhopper !!!!!!!

    Speaking of sniper , if one of you can take the event with fraps that will be nice , even the others in elektro ^^ .

    See you in HeLL !

  3. Hello ,

    I'd like to declare a war on Germany 2 tonight :D

    I'll keep elektro this night just for me if you want to stop me and claim elektro go ahead or die !

    By this event i just want to have some fun in elektro and maybe start something , an events sytem will be great .

    So i'll meet you tonight or just your bullets ^^ and if the event is a success, we can do another one with a better storyline :) with your suggestion .

    If we are enough we can even make a movie that will be interesting

    So do you want to die tonight :) ?

  4. Hi ,

    Today my fellow found an offroad pickup somewhere in chernarus ,

    when i heard this i took some wheels and i came for fix this OPcar

    but when i used the action menu 8 action appears :

    blabla right front wheel

    blabla left front wheel

    blabla right middle wheel WTF !!

    blabla left middle wheel .....u_u c'mon ....

    blabla RF2 wheel

    blabla LF2 wheel oh god ...

    and two others already repaired

    When i use my three wheels they just disappeared so my question is

    ?! WTF !?

    any ideas ?

    i will take some screen later i need to find 3 another wheels ....

    bb :D

