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Everything posted by ritual

  1. ritual

    Why has no trains been added to dayz?

    lol do u even train bro?
  2. ritual

    Can I use a Saline IV on myself?

    I don't think you can :/ You SHOULD be able to, though. Hitting a vein isn't very hard.
  3. ritual

    Firemans axe a little too powerfull.

    Pretty sure a fire axe would slice right through a ballistic vest along with whatever was behind it.
  4. ritual

    where to get blue staff vest

    Not really.. military gear is at airfields/bases, for example. You're not very likely to find a tac vest + ballistic helmet + m4 if you're walking around in Tulga.
  5. I've never been randomly shot on the coast. If I spawn in and see another fresh spawn, I'll usually try to beat him to death with my fists though. I'd rather not have him going after the same loot as me, especially on the coast which is usually picked clean
  6. Last 3 or 4 times I've spawned, there have been zombies on me almost immediately lol. Just punch them while moving sideways to avoid their swipes. Then head north. Grishino was completely untouched on my server last night, ended up with a bunch of food. The radio tower north of Balota was fully stocked, too. I did a run from Balota to Grishino then started heading west, ended up fully kitted out with ballistic helmet, m4, .45, ammo box with a 100+ rounds, saline... once you get off the coast you don't have to worry as much about getting KOS'd or having a server hopper spawn in behind you. I didn't even have a water bottle or can opener until I made it to the NW airfield. Made it all the way just on wells and pond water, and a few cans of tuna.
  7. ritual

    Most Memorable Moment Thus Far?

    1) I came upon the new apartments shortly after a server reset, and they were (comparitively) crawling with zombies. I didn't have any weapons except for an empty mosin, so I started sprinting as fast as I could. Everywhere I turned was another Z waiting, and most of them kept chasing me. I ended up running into a house and vaulting out a window to get away 2) I met up with 3 of my buddies in Msta. We grouped up outside the church, and started dumping our food onto the ground because only one of us had a can opener. As we're standing around waiting for the food to get opened, someone with a mosin opens fire, hitting me and taking me out pretty much instantly. My buddies ended up chasing him down and putting some rounds into him, but he hid. They ended up finding him in a nearby bush and finished him off with a hatchet. Now we know to never stand around in the open xD