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About cygnet

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cygnet

    This, Is DayZ - A Closer Look

    Thanks! Took a while to upload to youtube, but oh well xD
  2. cygnet

    Everything is delayed

    its probably your mouse smoothing. Go into controls, right side box the first 2 sliders for something like "mouse smoothing" take that all the way down
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arCCyDi3Xak
  4. cygnet

    ShadowPlay Disabled with DayZ SA?

    Nope, im going to read over it now though
  5. cygnet

    ShadowPlay Disabled with DayZ SA?

    Yup, even uninstalled shadowplay and nothing worked. I have a feeling its something to do with DayZ? Not sure :?
  6. cygnet

    ShadowPlay Disabled with DayZ SA?

    ShadowPlay is a built in recording software with the Nvidia Experience that only comes with Nvidia cards.
  7. cygnet

    Chambering a round?

    You can. I was chambering all my M4 rounds because I couldnt find a mag...its slow, but I guess it works
  8. I've been using ShadowPlay ever since it game out for beta, and I had no issues at all recording BF4, AC black flag, and many more games. Now when I get on DayZ SA, it has the normal green dot in the corner, but with a red slash through the middle. Same with livestreaming to twitch. Now, everytime I select my hotkey to start recording it lags my game for about 5 seconds, and stays at the green dot with the slash through the middle and doesent record anything at all. Whats going on? How can I fix this? Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I'm am honestly really new to this whole site and I got confused hahah