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Everything posted by Dyallo

  1. First encounter: Was checking the second story of a house, just me and my flashlight. I find nothing so I turn to head down the stairs. As my flashlight illuminates the stairs downward I see hands and a shadowy pistol. I ran back into a corner and crouched down, waiting for the end. When my killed arrived at the top of the stairs, there was nothing in his hands. So, I stood up and raised my fists. We looked at each other for long seconds. I lowered my fists and so did he, and I slowly walked down the stairs, and took off running as soon as I was out the door. He could've been a mass murdered or something... Second Encounter: I had only just spawned and it was night. The flashlight did not spawn with me so I started freaking out. I saw a person who strikingly resembled Charles Manson with a flashlight. (It was very dark.) So I yelled in direct chat, "Gimme your flashlight or I'm going to punch in your general direction!" We turned in circle after circle until I could chase him anymore, and found the flahlight had appeared in my inventory. I noticed he was saying something like, "I can punch too you know... How am I supposed to trust you?" So I equipped my flashlight and illuminated the crazy man. "I got my flashlight now, have a nice night." Then I ran off.