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About BHBDeano

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. BHBDeano

    I just got killed...by Harry Houdini

    made me laugh its like something out of a horror film.
  2. I've seen this people sprinting around while still punching on the go can be pretty hard to shoot them sometimes
  3. Dayz does have a lot of things in common with UO even thou in a completely different setting, I think there could be some kind of punishment for KOSing everyone that moves, so that players have to think carefully about the choice instead of just "see it kill it" nothing too drastic like shaking or anything but maybe a visual indicator for others to see that should persist through death with some kind of bounty system so that being a bandit is hard and everyone wants to kill you. some people would hate having groups of people team up and hunt them down constantly thus lowering the amount of KOS, while some would love it. It would make much more intense interactions not knowing whether someone is hostile or not (are they willing to take a murder count and turn bandit to kill me?) It wouldn't force anyone to play a certain way but give them consequences to their choices.
  4. BHBDeano

    No Surrender types

    Its much more fun when people surrender and communicate instead of charging like mindless zombies with their fists out, if they comply we tend to do some RP stuff and interview them (to get a feel for their personality) we always treat them with respect unless they are idiots, If they play along and seem cool we recruit them to help police the area (if they want to) once we trust them we let them loot the armed guys that attack us. we've been told numerous times its been the best night they have had while playing the game.
  5. BHBDeano

    Penguins in Day Z?!

    My group of 10 with an assortment of melee weapons did this to a sniper at balota hill, we slowly waddled towards him while he panicked and took pot shots at us then proceeded to combat log once we got close. must of been a scary sight. I heard they become quite vicious when in a large colony
  6. BHBDeano

    Is less zombies actually more?

    I didn't really like the mods way of having them scattered around all over the place, they were just an annoyance that got in the way of PvP. Not dangerous enough to kill you but make you move positions and sit in a pine tree where they cant hit you or run up and down steep hills to make them suicide. They were more like tracking hounds to locate shooters it wasn't oh no zombies have seen me, I'm in big trouble but more of arghh just leave me alone while I snipe this guy. maybe if they made them only hang around in big groups of say a 50+ at a time instead of 1's and 2's. you could sneak around them to avoid them but if 1 see's/hears you it will bring all of them chasing you, thus a real threat if you haven't got enough ammo or are low on stamina and cant out sprint them.
  7. BHBDeano

    Radios and Mics

    Would be cool if someone set up a radio show that broadcasted 24/7 played music and had guests etc.
  8. BHBDeano

    NPC ?

    If you see Burlap-Man you will die a horrible death within 2 days!
  9. BHBDeano

    Breaking Arms or Hands

    -Goose- could be number of issues here maybe he was low health to begin with or a bug with the helmet not being pristine so offers 0 protection
  10. BHBDeano

    Combat Log Protection inverted - from Ultima Online

    I'd be up for this for combat logging but there needs to be more ways to log out, maybe at a bed in a house (like you could in UO) that gives a 30sec timer or sleeping bag as loot able item. would be fun to actually think need to log out soon better go find some shelter.
  11. BHBDeano

    Breaking Arms or Hands

    I can confirm you can break your hands and it renders you unable to aim down your gun sights or fire at all, not from punching helmets but from climbing ladders :D
  12. BHBDeano

    Zombies should run faster than players

    yeah the zeds are a bit of a joke at the moment they should have the physical edge on players being able to sprint for longer and be stronger, punching them to death should be a real risk only used as a last resort. new players should learn to sneak in and around towns and be afraid to sneeze, even fully armed players should still be fearful of attracting to many and being over run.
  13. BHBDeano

    invisible objects blocking bullets

    just done some tests and seem to have found certain patches of grass on hills that completely block the bullets or ricochet them off target we tested this using each type of gun in pristine condition from prone/crouched/stood position even pointed the guns straight into the air and they were still blocked.
  14. BHBDeano

    How to end kill on sight?

    When there is a lot more content and the "endgame" bar has been raised significantly and everyone is trying to just survive/learn it then there might be less Kos, as soon as people become comfortable at being able to survive then the Kos will return. the key is make it so hard to survive or so much to do that only a few become bored and Kos everything. Base building, skill system, fleshed out medical system more diseases etc, maybe some Gassed area where u need certain gear hazmat suit or something with super hard zombies that requires a team to survive up there with a reward along the lines of heli crash sights to provide incentives.
  15. BHBDeano

    Server hoppers in high weapon areas.

    Official Private Servers!.