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About henk.fr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. henk.fr

    DayZ Experimental - Episode 3 - Don't Trust Australians

    Nice video dude! Can u maybe share the video settings with us, game looks very stunning.
  2. henk.fr

    I'm good bait + fun times!

    You're the hobo with the shotgun haha. Nice vid :)
  3. henk.fr

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Cant get more epic then this, so thats why
  4. henk.fr

    What I think the night should look like;

    This looks awesome :beans:
  5. Haven't experienced any form of fps drop yet outside Cherno. New area is a bit laggy, but well... not gonna find myself there often. GTX-770 (2GB) Haswell Quad Pretty much high settings, AA low with some three settings B)
  6. henk.fr

    Dayz Standalone super jump !

    Seems legit