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About Kaku

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  1. I have binded breath on shift.
  2. Kaku

    Hacksaws uber rare now?

    Yes ... it does, 5x1
  3. Goodie! i'll die 20 times before the update so another one wont hurt.
  4. Remember that only about 20% of the servers have persistent items, for those that even bother to try this. But i need to set up a tent soon :)
  5. Thousands? 172 thousand within 24 hours :p
  6. Kaku

    Long Range Scope

    SKS maybe? i tried putting it on the mouser.
  7. Kaku

    See in the dark :)

    From what i heard the devs made things uber duper puber dark because people was abusing hue settings, quite annoying =/. The biggest problem with flashlights is you can be seen from miles, but it creates an unique enjoyment.
  8. Kaku

    SA PvE Servers

    Would be interesting in seeing servers where you would be severe punished if you killed someone. But i guess its up to the community to create such servers themselves.
  9. Kaku

    Friendliest UK servers

    I've met a few good guys, and an a hell lot of bad guys. I've had to shoot and kill to protect myself tough, don't sneak up on people!
  10. Kaku

    Nearly impossible to play

    I don't get why people who is all about "playing the game" buys it in alfa. I really hope the game devs don't care whatsoever about the players. That said, some noobs like myself like to see games with great potential grow :), never had anyone to play mod with so never bought it.
  11. Lol i remember this clan from my early APB days(beta, early release), was in it with my alt Kouha. Nice seeing you folks again, i remember a few names :)
  12. Thats interesting, guess i'll cheak it out :)