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Everything posted by JohnF30

  1. JohnF30

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    The Just Cause 2 mod that was made by utter amateurs has a better netcode than Dayz and it's a mod for a single-player game. Oh, and each server (which is indeed persistent for thousands of vehicles) can hold up to 5000 players. At the same time. The map is also pretty freaking big. Also, to the person saying battlefield 4 has horrible netcode, please... It feels like a miracle of engineering compared to Dayz. I don't know what beans you guys are eating, but they're definitely rotten. You're defending Dean as if he's the leader of a cult.
  2. JohnF30

    Will this work as a general gaming pc?

    the fx6300 is perfect for pretty much any game out there and 4GB ram isn't fully used by the majority of games in the highest settings. The only problem is your graphics card. 7770 isn't really a gaming card, although yea, it will run dayz just fine.
  3. JohnF30

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    The SA is fine. It's a solid foundation and I'm perfectly fine with it and excited about its future. However, I do believe Dean should have sold the rights to it to a more capable developer and ceased to have anything to do with the project. What has he got to offer to the game? Is he the best programmer? Is he the ultimate visionary? I don't think so. Dayz is a huge title with hundreds of thousands of copies sold already and a tiny team is working on it. It's ridiculous.
  4. Chasing newbs around near spawn locations and screaming at them on mic like a lunatic. One of them was crying