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sector 7

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Everything posted by sector 7

  1. sector 7

    German Survivors wanted for our Army!

    Hey, ich würde gern mit euch zocken und habe auch Mikrofon und TS3 am Start. Ich werde einfach mal auf euren Ts-Server joinen und sehen wer online ist.
  2. sector 7

    Anyone wanna' play?

    Hey I would like to play with you guys. I am adding you ASAP. I am GMT +1 and also got a mic and TS3.
  3. sector 7

    Looking for 2 or more people...

    Hey I got three questions: Can I still join you? Which server are you on and when do you guys play? Would be great if I can join... I got a mic and Ts3 and Skype.