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About Kiethdude

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kiethdude

    Color to the night

    Didn't see that, but as soon as I saw the photos online I just immediately wanted to suggest it. The more people we have talking about it the better chance it has to happening. (:
  2. Kiethdude

    Color to the night

    After playing the new standalone i was still disappointed with the nighttime. Its just to bland. During the day you get to see how the new models look and all the bright colors. But during the night its a gray scale nightmare. I found an image on imgur (source:http://imgur.com/gallery/zFxih) that is not mine but I thought if nighttime looked like this, i would almost prefer to play at night and I feel more players would like it to. One image is a screenshot from the game and the other is a retouched one with color.