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About sentree

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  1. sentree

    what is this?

    but why? for kill bambies? no system humanity no gear... stupid
  2. sentree

    what is this?

    me and my friend play on dayz get good gear. And at Krasnostav we was killed by one guy, but he was teleporting at 10-20 meters all time and he shoot without misses. After we restart and we was killed again but they will be 2 mans with good gears and they teleporting at our area where we stay( what is this? sry for my worst English(
  3. sentree

    Version 113899

    Hi guys i want know how about date of next update and fix corpse disappearance and how about new weapon!?) sry for my poor english =)
  4. sentree

    Medical Assistance

    +1 and i want know about health regeneration and regeneration from food and etc.