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Everything posted by xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

  1. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    nvm I want to keep the 4gb card and the price for the prebuilt one is now 1,200$ so ill pay the extra 300$ and build one probably.
  2. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3NOrj What do you think? I need to lower the price to atleast 1,200$ though.
  3. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    I built basicly the same pc as the prebuild one and it is over 1,300$
  4. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Well, Mabey ill try to build one. ill post the build when im done.
  5. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    How so? Think about this. 1. Enable turbo boost in CPU. 2. Turbo bost clocks it to 3.9ghz 3. Have 2 very nice Graphics cards with 8.0gb of vram 4. Very good CPU speeds+Very Fast Graphics processing= 60fps on high :D 5. Plus have an overkill of 12gb of ram. Pretty simple right? I dont get why the prebuilt one is "So horrible." and it is absolutely necessary that you build your own :/ Sorry I though you could oc it but it dosent really support that. But 3.9 is still very fast.
  6. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    plus ill probably get 2 of the 4gb ones and ill have a gaming BEAST! with an i7 at 4.0ghz or more, 12gb of ram, 2x Gigabyte 770 in sli= 8gb of vram and VERY high fps.
  7. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    I dont have the time to build one... and im looking for high fps so if I get it im gonna get the 4gb one :P
  8. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Hey Everyone! Once I get my gaming pc im thinking of upgrading the GPU from a AMD Radeon HD 8760 to either an ASUS gtx 770 or a GIGABYTE gtx 770. Now im not looking to overclock or anything I just need to know which one is better for playing and recording Dayz, and which one will give me higher fps while recording Dayz? Gigabyte gtx 770: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125462 Asus gtx 770: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121837 Thanks! :D
  9. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

  10. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

  11. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Hey guys! (btw can someone delete my "Can this run dayz and record thread?") But anyways I found a computer for the same price as the last one but is it good? Can it run dayz on high in citys and record with atleast 25-60 fps? http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model/DT.SPXAA.009 Thanks!
  12. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Can the prebuilt computer we've been talking about run dayz and record on high with decent frames?
  13. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Sorry I ment high not very high.
  14. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Sorry I didn't see that you posted the build :/ but I checked and found it. Now what fps do you think that build you posted will get while recording dayz on high in city's?
  15. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Hey guys! I just wanted to know if this system would bottleneck because I'm kinda worried it will. Please tell me if it will bottleneck or not. CPU: Intel i7 4770 3.4ghz GPU: AMD Radeon HD 8760 2gb RAM: 12gb Thanks!
  16. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

  17. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    1,000$ USD and make sure it can play and record dayz on high in citys with atleast 30fps constant please. Thanks!
  18. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Is it possible to build allmost the same computer on pcpartpicker?
  19. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    To a 600w im guessing?
  20. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    So are you being serious? Can I record in citys on Normal-high with atleast constant 30fps with this computer?
  21. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    So, Do you think that that pc's graphic card can be upgraded to a 760? and FYI the PSU is only 500w but do you still think it could be upgraded to a 760 and not have to upgrade the PSU? and can you give me the link to the gtx 760 please? and will the Asus Geforce GTX 760 work? thanks
  22. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Hey Guys! Ive been looking everywere but I cant find were I can buy a AMD Radeon HD 8760! Im gonna get a computer and I want to do crossfire with it! (the computer Im gonna get has the AMD Radeon HD 8760) Please help me and tell me were I can get this graphics card! Link to computer Im gonna get: http://www.amazon.com/Acer-Predator-AG3-605-UR37-Gaming-Desktop/dp/B00EY524QA Thanks!
  23. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    And in towns, how many fps you think ill get with that pc? If I was recording on medium in a town, you think it is playable?
  24. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Well because I dont have the time to pick out parts and build it. and my mom dosent really approve of building your own :/
  25. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    please delete this thread