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Everything posted by xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

  1. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Well I think this is the complete build! Main PC: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3NTXO Keyboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823109191 Thank you guys for your time. It really means alot to me that you both took the time to help me out. Thanks 1000000 times, Wyatt. (which is my real name) PS ill probably get this gaming pc this summer so ill probably contact you guys when I get it so we can play :).
  2. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Oops lol.
  3. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    And how do you put your system specs on every post you make on the bottom?
  4. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    is 2 blue LED fans to much light?
  5. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Does this mousepad look fine :3 http://www.amazon.com/Personalized-Little-Friendship-Mouse-Rainbow/dp/B00AV34KT8/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400629434&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=rainbow+dash+mouse+pas (Probably not gonna get it more of a joke) But does this one look fine? http://www.amazon.com/Mouse-Pad-Dayz-v3/dp/B00IN0D5FQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400630051&sr=8-1&keywords=dayz+mouse+pad (Being serious)
  6. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    ill go with that mouse :D
  7. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Im digging that mouse. Blue mouse+Red keyboard= EPIC!
  8. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Sorry but that is way to spendy for my budget :/
  9. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Yea thats a bit spendy for my budget which is around 1,500$ Any good ones that are cheaper by 10$-20$?
  10. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Im not saying dayz in its current state, im says once its optimized :) and not JUST dayz im talking about other games to like Minecraft, TF2, Gmod, Arma 3 and other games too.
  11. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    ill probably get the Microsoft Sidewinder X4 for a keyboard and any suggestions for a cheap but good mouse?
  12. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Ok ill listen to you guys. ill lower it to the 2gb version and post the final build (or what I think is the final build :3)
  13. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Well alright, you probably know more than me. Ill lower it down to the same card but the 2gb version.
  14. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    So you guys are absolutely sure that the extra 2gb isnt gonna give me not even 5fps more?
  15. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Ok the price is getting a tid bit to high. with a monitor and keyboard and mouse is gonna cost almost 1,600$!!! Any way to lower it down But not the vid card I want that card :3
  16. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    And for 60$ more for 2gb more gb of vram is a pretty good deal. Like I asked before, Will I have to buy extra power cables or can I just buy all the parts, build it and start it up? and do you know a cheap but good mouse and keyboard? thanks!
  17. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    And this is all gonna work right? im not gonna have to buy more PSU cables to be able to hook it all up right? im just gonna be able to order everything, build it and start it up without having to buy extra cables or anything. (discluding a monitor mouse and keyboard) and can you tell me a good mouse and keyboard and a cheap 1920x1080 monitor Max is 22 inches.
  18. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Im gonna have a 23 inch monitor though. And do I need both types of fans or only Intake and exhaust. and is this a good fan? http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-case-fan-co9050016bled and do you have skype? Id like to just call you or Istamessage you.
  19. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Yes but im gonna have a 23 inch monitor. and do I need BOTH types of fan or only the AF120. and is the Corsair CO-9050016-BLED a good fan? http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-case-fan-co9050016bled
  20. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    nvm about the cpu fitting in there. it will I looked at the socket at they are the same
  21. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Like this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3NPu8 are those fans good? sorry if im spamming you I just have SO MANY questions :/
  22. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    1 more thing. Can I put more fans in that case? if I can what fan do you think I should put in it? (I prefer a blue led)
  23. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Is this good? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3NP9k I changed the ssd.
  24. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    Plus can I get a more stylish case for almost the same price that can still fit everything? Thanks!
  25. xXx_RainbowDash_xXx

    Buying a gaming PC!

    The prebuilt one is now WAY overpriced I mean 1,200$?!?! ill just build this one. Thanks for your help ill pm you if I have questions! and also take a look at this http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BQ8RM1A/ref=twister_B00C9UFTGO ill probably go with this ssd because we have a manufacturer fairly close and for 30$ more I get 2x the space.