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Everything posted by deanhallrocketquotes

  1. This was posted a while back on /r/dayz, and I really liked the design. Will DayZ's inventory ever look and function this good? http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1gs9b1/inventory_system_concept_i_would_like_to_see_in/ Right now the icons are very jagged and the colors are rather stale. Back in August Rocket referred to the current inventory as "programmer art" that was intended to be replaced. Will it be? If so, ETA? What is the scope for the undertaking as well?
  2. deanhallrocketquotes

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    I tried to PM you but it said, "The member orlok cannot receive any new messages".
  3. deanhallrocketquotes

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Are we allowed to post screenshots of other people hacking if it doesn't link to other websites or provide information on how to hack?