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About MrBruns434

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MrBruns434

    Adrenaline Shot idea

  2. MrBruns434

    Message to the Sounddesigner!

    The sound is quite annoying. I don't think that it necessary to change it though. Have you ever sat in a cinema (before the movie starts) and heard hundreds of people eating all at once? That is an annoying noise.
  3. MrBruns434

    Hunting should be more challenging

    I also agree, I ran straight up to a cow shot it directly once and it just stood there before the inevitable. At the moment hunting is a little too easy.
  4. MrBruns434

    Horses, Vegetables And Apples

    I like the fruit/vegetable idea, that would add an extra element of realism to the game. There is also no reason why there couldn't be horses in game, but I wouldn't use them since they would only make you a much larger/faster/louder object to be spotted from a greater distance by other players/zombies.
  5. MrBruns434

    possible solution to stop the mindless pvp

    In my opinion the game is realistic as it is, the PvP element is a problem that I have not encountered, but if this was a real life situation would you trust/approach somebody that you don't already know? Your idea (IMO) would make the game too structured (as Hoik has already said) and a lot less realistic.
  6. I think this game is too easy. I also disagree that it has turned into PvP, if in real life it was a situation such as this game simulates, would you trust/approach anybody that you didn't already know? (I wouldn't) :( - I just noticed that I typed my own username wrong, it is supposed to be MrBurns434...