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Everything posted by kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

  1. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Ultimate holdup!

    I once held someone up but didnt rob them, saw him entering the abrn i was going for close enough to use direct coms ordered hjim to face down the hill on the ground and he obliged, without moving after 3 or 4 mins told him if he double times back up the road without looking back i wont shoot him, and then laughed as i watched him jump up and sprint off into the distance exactly like he was told.
  2. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Eu 32 Camp Raiding

    Ha that's great, it must have been the tent we found whilst fleeing the first time round after we bandaged from the shootout, that machine gun opening up felt like you were all around us haha. yea Mike who you shot did have great stuff on him he was abit gutted to have gone down :P
  3. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Eu 32 Camp Raiding

    hahaha indeed! good times were had yesterday think we had one of those days where you get all the luck at once! Im Evertos if you ever catch me online think i saw you on this morning actually *Yes i know you may ahve guess as my forum name is that but hey you never know! lol
  4. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Eu 32 Camp Raiding

    Admin on EU 32 is a good guy :P good server!
  5. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    []Mags refilling or disappearing after logging back in

    yea thats abit odd...
  6. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    []Mags refilling or disappearing after logging back in

    like i said refilling mags was NOT a bug, you used to lose any mag if it had been partially used on logout, and as serneao said this is the way it tackles it as it was deemed abit shit to lose a mag if you had fired 1 round form it.
  7. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Turning zombies off

    im suspecting a prank/troll? anyone tried this i dont want to as i think this will have hilarious consequences (for the op to read about)
  8. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Turning zombies off

    How can this work? i get it if they dont spawn for him when hes on his own but if he went where another player was in a city surely they cause them to spawn around him still : S
  9. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    also agree zombie spawns are bust said it before as part of the issue with zombie detection, they still spot you in seemingly impossible ways and are far to sensitive to noise making any shots fired near them a death sentence or a log out situation due to the unrelenting waves that come after. And on top of all that they just drop out the air randomly and sit on your face as you crawl into areas, the small towns have become pointless as like i said you get spotted easily through walls and around buildings but the problem with small towns is theres no way to run through a building and lose them... also on another note about zombies spawning in buildings, fine if you can shoot them in the larger ones without huge swarms However spawning them in small sheds or those buildings that have a little canopy (the ones you cant get inside) causes them to bug and not wander, even the ones inside bigger buildings just stand there they need to move about in and out the building.
  10. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    []Mags refilling or disappearing after logging back in

    the mags refilling is to try and fix the bug of disappearing mags when low, so refilling is not a bug i guess the disappearing mags IS however still a left over issue.
  11. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Heli Crash Site Alternative

    got my vote good idea! think there should be more events. maybe even the odd soldier patrol?
  12. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I can provide you PLENTY of evidence they dont, getting better like ive said befoe but they DO NOT respond fine, maybe youve only spent time around the big cities *shrug* but you can't get around the small towns its impossible. zombies come from miles still you can crouch to loot or they all come running, walking in a building is futile as they hear/see through the walls....
  13. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    My request is the zombies dont spawn inside the smaller buildings like sheds, they just get stuck inside and its impossible to clear them out/ loot undetected. Bigger buildings seems fair enough but the smaller ones cause problems. Is there anyway they can be programmed to wander in and out of the buildings rather than spawning in them and getting stuck in them?
  14. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    hand signals idea is a cracking one!
  15. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    its you that's the fucking joke.
  16. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    Most pointless thread ever... Almost as pointless as me replying
  17. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Reloading makes you a Vegas sign

    also looting is almost impossible in towns as crouching to access the menu is basically like screaming IM HERE COME GET ME!
  18. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    The Agro Radius Is Too Damn High

  19. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Hoping the zombie hearing inside buildings sorts some of the aggro issues, if the 65 meter hearing thing is true though that seems a very long distance to hear someone creeping around at a crouch, even with no background noise but outside with the birds and screechind zsombies sea/wind if someone was creeping around crouched they would be pretty hard to hear. How about lowering that overall but have random small noise spike to simulate stepping on twings etc? could make crouch walking mostly viable again but with the risk of alerting zeds? and if you need to you still have the option to crawl sacrificing that speed for the comfort of knowing you wont alert something noisily.
  20. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    The Agro Radius Is Too Damn High

    Still not right in the new update getting better though! Not sure its sight but sound...
  21. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Good example of zombies aggro issue still...
  22. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    [] Crouch Volume

    collect some vids of the most ridiculous pulls you make and post them :D ive got a few ill upload when i get in. if nothing else it can serve as entertainment! *edit* plus i agree
  23. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    The Agro Radius Is Too Damn High

    yea ive tried to post a proper bug report and vids but it never makes it up even when i follow all the guide lines of the post... got some really great examples of how broke it is and tested it for hours in towns, but mo cant put the report on here :S
  24. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    Zombie Aggro

    Date/Time: 19/06/2012 What happened: Zombies will occasionally(quite frequently infact) aggro from vast distances even with objects sometimes several blocking LoS. Alot of the time it was fine but there were occasions where stepping a few steps in a crouch walk and suddenly 5-6 zombies would start double timing in the distance (behind smaller buildings using 3rd person/alt to look around) Generally not so bad in the big cities however in smaller towns it can make it impossible to get through undetected as it can happen seemingly randomly. Also Zombies will spawn VERY close to players again several seemed to drop from the air in front of me and aggro'd instantly. I have made some videos as well if needed. Where you were: Kamenka/Kovlovo/Balota What you were doing: Specifically testing this issue, starting out on the docks as a safe area and testing the zombies aggro characteristics. Moving into the towns to test aggro and using the docks as a safe return point.
  25. kieran.thorpe88@gmail.com

    New Zombie Aggro (again) -_- sorry

    In all seriousness, some things i noticed that irked me a little bit, and im just mentioning them to see if others have had similar issues? Dont want moaning about how they spot too easy for the most part it seems ok... still think they could be a TINY bit slower but anyway. Ive had a couple of weird issue with new patch.. one im running through the woods after aggroing a lone zombie, get him miles from anything and drop him, carry on running, 2-3 mins later after some woodland strolling i hear screeching and grunting and turn round to see another zombie coming. First thoughts are god i must have been near a deer stand or something so i run some more and drop him making sure theres nothing anywhere this time, this then preceded to happen 5 or 6 times and then stopped. 2nd issue, walking through crouching about through kamenka with the docks to my back i approach the little industrial sheds, as i get maybe 1/2 way from the dock edge to the building i hear what sounds like an angry zombie, i peek round to the gap in the stone wall type structure and sure enough there's a zombie coming towards me. not sure why i had no LOS on him but to my amazement behind him is a a full blown posse streaming from the far end of the town at me. luckily im near the dock and im done for the night anyway, but i try to test the LOS losing and it doesn't work so i sat on the dock logged off and came here before I go get some kip. aside form people moaning its too hard anyone noticing this? maybe some of the moaners have a point and theres some issue i dunno? but no need to have a go at them if people dont share their experiences improvements cant be made and issue may go unnoticed. Night chaps!