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Everything posted by soulesseye

  1. soulesseye

    Item condition - Worst idea ever

    i like the fact everything breaks when you shoot someone it add's a thing called depth to the game something a lot of narrow minded pvp cheerleader/carebear people just dont understand(i pvp too but its not the only damn thing in the game people) so i am for anything that moves away from a pure deathmatch game and makes people come together to accomplish things...also try robbing them next time guy and dont be just another douchey pvp tard with no thought or vision. i think we can all also agree that gear condition is pretty broken right now and does not work properly...still i dont get what your bitchin about atm really...chill smoke one or 2 like marley
  2. Here's the problem devs: You have made a game that is only fun when you can play with other like-minded players, but you have nothing (yet) in place to promote cooperation and community and to give the new-comer the resources to find some people to play with. I would ask that as you move forward in the dev process, you start thinking of ways to implement social interaction. Think outside the box. Multiplayer games have only begun to scratch the surface of how players interact w/one another in-game. The person who buys your game needs the ability to start it up, and find a group of people to get involved with. At the level of social interaction currently I can't see this game being successful. i mean its selling copys now...but 2-3 months down the road i see a massive drop off in players just like the mod...and its due to people playing the game like its a giant open world deathmtach...rocket might as well just remove the zombies and call it arma-mmo if it continues down this path.
  3. actually you are the one goin "play how i want or dont play" it seems pvp people allways wanna use this argument yet it only stand for them how hypocritical are you people.... the play the way you want thing either goes both ways or you pvp only people can stop using it... i mean it makes you look so smart really....im starting to think the pvp people are the real carebears here
  4. soulesseye

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    i cant understand morons like you who think a survival game is all about pvp..yet people like you are allways the people who shout let us play how we want when changes are talked about yet you dont want anyone else to be able to play how they want...well STFU if someone wants to pve then they should be able to pve even in the mod there were pve servers so once again STFU. this whole play how you want thhing either goes both ways for pve and pvp or just STFU you pvp noobs... im not against pvp im against the mindset of retards who think this game is only about pvp and if that ever changes itll ruin the game....well to that i say change the game so we can get rid of jackholes like you.. let people play pve if they wanna pve...all real successful games allow both and dont force you to have to do both... so for those who wanna herpa derp about pvp get over it....it will change this game canot survive as a deathmatch so please alll you pvp only people----STFU STFU and let others talk about things they wanna see if you dont like it you can go back to battlefield or cod for all we care.
  5. soulesseye

    The only solution for DayZ: Simulation.

    thats all great and all op BUT... it will all be ignored and people will continue to pvp and kill fresh spawns at cherno/balota....it all sounds great but it will change nothing cause nothing you said is is really adding any more depth outside of "hey more toys to pvp with" pvp is not the solution its the problem...real measures need to be taken dayz in its current form even in the mod and rockets vision for it is very narrow minded and solely based around pvp and nothing else...the game simply cannot live as a giant death match with findable toys..AND IF its going to be left at that rocket might as well just remove the zombies and rename it ARMA-MMO. all idea's are null and useless unless they add something real to do that does not involve pvp or force you too pvp... as much as rocket wants to say sandbox...its not a sandbox..minecraft is a sandbox...dayz is just open world pvp and anyone dumb enough to think otherwise is fooling themselves...but the one thing it is not is a sandbox(thats just rockets cop-out for supporting a giant deathmatch with no depth).this game to be a sandbox lacks any sandbox mechanics there simply is not a single thing in dayz or the mod that makes it worthy of being called a sandbox.. this game is simply gonna end up warz repacked with a different UI if steps are not taken to curb the nothing but pvp play style...this game needs more depth and cars and planes etc are not gonna add that...what needs to be done is....take dayz epoch mod,state of decay,project zomboid and dayz standalone and mix them all together and you have a great game with plenty of depth structured pvp with goals and objectives reasons to not shoot on site reaons to build communitys etc etc.....now thats a zombie survival game... lets hope arma-mmo lives a short life and dayz turns into something real and not just another open world deathmatch cop-out with zombies added for nothing but lulz and a selling point to go hey look zombies its not just pvp its survival...which is a god damn lie also for the op everything you talk about great and all but those add game mechanics not game depth
  6. yet you say you don't want npc based stuff when mods like epoch were really really really popular due to the npc's...that is a double standard and its that kind of lack of thought that will keep this game from ever being what it could be.. a narrow mind often only goes in one direction...and that is why dayz will never reach its full potential and stay an open world death match and will bleed players just like the mod did.
  7. resources so much is what i think...there needs to be something though this game gets so boring as a straight up death match pvp game
  8. soulesseye

    How do I create my own server?

    iv seen smaller servers who is renting those out
  9. well i dont want to pvp and i dont wanna be greifed by some ass hat....so this 'let people play how they want' either works both ways or STFU
  10. soulesseye

    What, exactly, is the point of this game?

    once again for all morons...A SANDBOX MEANS you can directly effect the environment around you and make the world what you want it to be....you say oh dayz is alpha but..even the dayz mods never fully got finished btw...and the deathmatch style of play pretty much killed a large portion of the mod's players..2-6 months before sa came out it was about impossible to find a full server outside of BR and even BR was never really fully full. those who defend an open world deathmatch have no vision at all....yes its an alpha but nothing rocket has not talked about anything they are going to add to move this game away from just a giant pvp deathmatch with gear ups and an open world(i mean hey if thats what rocket wants why not just remove the damn zombies) simply putt a sandbox is something you can play around in create and destroy..a sandbox has objectives DAYZ does not...i love dayz but i want zombie survival NOT MINDLESS PVP. i want a real sandbox/zombie survival game if thats what the devs are going to keep calling it(want a sandbox try out garry's mods you can interact with pretty much every bit of the world...now thats a sandbox...or minecraft thats a sandbox or terraria thats a sandbox....DAYZ IS NOT A SANDBOX)
  11. soulesseye

    What, exactly, is the point of this game?

    well considering we have no effect on the world around us this is not a sandbox just an open world pvp deathmatch...so i guess the point of the game would be cherno/balota circlejerk and thats all it looks like it will ever be. sandbox means we can build and alter the world around us...hence the term SANDBOX(you know like what kids play in and make castles) it really makes me face palm every time you or rocket goes this is a sandbox when it is clearly not a sandbox its just a pvp deathmatch with an open world
  12. soulesseye

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    i agree and op proves the point that a sandbox deathmatch will not survive and will bleed players and make it where new people like the op buy hate it and then spread word to others to not buy... yes it has sold over 600k...but it has the pontential to sell over 2 million if done right and has depth added and moves away from this sandbox deathmatch style of play.... if it stays this style of play it will just peter out and eventually vanish and be some obsuce game like 'infestation VD stories'. dayz has the basic structure to be amazing and its mods like epoch with npc's and events would be looked at for the SA it would add that depth to the standalone...but it has to have something more than just sandbox pvp.. there is just so much you could do...and often times i think rocket being unwilling or saying that some things are too hard to do is just crap...have an open mind and turn your game into something amazing and not another shitZ game that has nohting but pvp...i ask this question...rocket said he wants us to make our own storys...how are we supposed to do that when we have no effect on the world around us and the only stories to be had are pvp(boreing)...what stories are you expecting rocket? also all you people talking about the mod seem to forget just one thing... when the mod became pure deathmatch and spawn with everything and just go kill...it started to bleed thousands of players because it became dull as a matter of fact the only mods with any traffic really at the end were epoch,dayzero,battle royal and even then it was hard to really find a full server...just remeber that fact right there it proves the point dayz cannot survive as a sandbox deathmatch. P.S. those who keep syaing alpha to those who bitch...think about this its alpha now is the time to bitch guys and get changes made and turn this game into something we can all enjoy....its not bitchin if its constructive and has to do with game changes and things that people would like to see...so please stop being dumb and saying "hur dur its alpher you didnt read"...cause yes we did and we are voicing our opinion on what we would like to see or are dissapointed is not in or coming or whatever...
  13. soulesseye

    game needs a patch with something to do

    this is what im doing currently testing areas out that are far out and checking all the buildings...which btw they alll seem to spawn loot even the barns and castles but they are spawning the loot underground..also the camping gas list does not actualy produce lighht..etc etc im finding bug testing to b e more fun than anything else.
  14. soulesseye

    new patch, when?

    this game needs a patch bad right now...its being scripited to hell and hacked to hell too...and is buggy beyond hell...all most unplaybale i cant seem to log onto a server without getting red chains after 2 mins..patch soon plz..iv heard a lot of problems are fixed in this next patch.
  15. soulesseye

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    i do what we are here to do....I BUG TEST and a lot of the bugs to test for are around gear and ways gear is supposed to work and how it currently does not work on some things... also weapon bugs zombie bugs door bugs town bugs....wow iv been to so many towns where i can just walk through certain sections of the fence over and over....these towns are far out and i bet im one of a very very few people who travel that far to bug test... btw kos is making it hard to test these bugs when im sittin there testing something and some jackass just shoots me...expect a broken bug riddled game if you morons keep doing that to people. if i say dont shoot im bug testing not pvping THEN DONT FUCKING SHOOT..
  16. soulesseye

    Lost all gear from switching server?

    this and the scripters are pretty much making the game unplayable atm...i cant even log out to go take a piss and switch servers without onlogging in gettin a red chain d/c/the map having been nuked by scripters/or havin my guy reset... i mean i take all the time to run north and to out of the way places to bgu test just to get scripted or something and reset back no the coast...the last few days ahve just been stupid filled with hacks and scripts and resets its so dumb...get back to work and fix this shit.
  17. how about do your job playing the alpha and test for bugs nub i voted for kos cause its interfering with my bug testing.
  18. soulesseye

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    actually thats how things are supposed to work genius....
  19. soulesseye

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    actually a really good read with a lot of good points... this one most of all... "Its just an alpha for almost 3 years now" "You are working very hard on becoming the next duke nukem forever"<-----due to kos and no real depth... dont get me wrong i love dayz...but have viewed it and will continue to view it as unfinished and untapped for it true potential.... id even go as far as to say rocket holds it back with his views on dynamic events killable npc's both bandit and civilian some sort of structure to make it a REAL SURVIVAL GAME and not just a mindless open world deathmatch ^(which will destory the game since a game as such can never KEEP a massive fanbase with consistet growth) more world interaction,etc etc the game as rocket see's it will allways be unfinished in my eyes someone could easily take the map and the base of the game add phsyics and add interaction(with npc's where everything you do effects the world) and other things and have a game of epic size and scope(the only scope it has now are the kinds people pvp with) and just likes rockets game and the mod ill just leave this post unfinished but ill add one more time for you dunderblockheads I LOVE DAYZ but it needs more depth(pvp is not depth)
  20. soulesseye

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    that is due to the fact the game has no depth....
  21. soulesseye

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    wow great post op it all allmost sounds like a real game.....OMG a real game...dayz will never become that it will stay kos deathmatch pvp cause people are ignorant... and also anyyone who says #2 is dumb must not reallize that epoch out did most other mods and was really really really popular due to the npc's and other such small things that add something called depth to the game. some things im not sure on....but for the most part the kos has to stop...take a look at the mod right before the SA the servers were getting more empty by the day due to random KOS. kos is fine but it needs to have meaning other than ignorance and needs to have consequence...this game cannot survive as a deathmatch sandbox...it will simply bleed players and never reach heights that it could... people come to this game for zombie survival not deathmatch pvp and thats the direction the game needs to take to actually survive and be long lasting.. also all you people's bullshit random KOS is making it really hard to test for bugs..
  22. soulesseye

    Shocking Number of New Players

    im liking how people dont just kos on sight..its nice to team up and survive for longer
  23. soulesseye

    Looking for a friend to play with

    message me ill join you i have a private ventrilo as well
  24. soulesseye

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    yeah seems like lots of people having problems guess its break time...shower,shave,eat,drink