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Everything posted by jfawk3s

  1. jfawk3s

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    Threads containing such content I would normally avoid. OP's who normally create these threads are young and or naive to the whole concept of an Alpha. But, as I mentioned this would legitimately be a concern to the the legitimate reports/bugs/suggestions. As, any DEV of any game would take those suggestions/reports and use them to sculpt their game.
  2. jfawk3s

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    Exactly, I've been enjoying the game. Sure, bugs are expected as they are always expected in testing an alpha/beta build. As character wipes are too, but people need to be a little more open minded about things.
  3. jfawk3s

    DayZ Christmas/New Years sale on the horizon?

    This may be speculation, don't quote me. I think the price right now being $29.99 USD/CAN will be the buy into Alpha pre-sale price. As it will then go up around $49.99/$59.99 USD/CAN once the product is polished and released.