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Everything posted by Bloodglory

  1. I think it would just be terrible to be allowed to ban people! I mean come on, there's only like what, 1000+ Registered servers at this point, banning them from one will ruin their experience.
  2. Bloodglory

    Vilayer Customers Notice for Battleye

    He said the server was updated and that it was a CLIENT side issue.
  3. Bloodglory

    Vilayer Customers Notice for Battleye

    Server is running the patch and I replaced my files, nothing. Edit: Testing something.
  4. Bloodglory

    Vilayer Customers Notice for Battleye

    and too think I was just about to put in a ticket. Thanks!
  5. Bloodglory

    Respawn Helicopter crash loot?

  6. Bloodglory

    Admin abuse US34

    Hello, I'm the owner of US34 (Johnny Sniper). A Cute Little Kitty is in no way an admin there, but a regular player. You were banned for hacking. After you killed Kitty, Shikari shot you and looted your body, we found it odd that you had rangefinders, NVGs, Coyote Backpacks, not once, but twice. We checked the logs, you and all the members of your [sA] clan had the same gear, all received on spawn.