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Joshua (DayZ)

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About Joshua (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Joshua (DayZ)


  2. Joshua (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    The added zombies are already having an adverse effect on the game, the 3000+ zed counts are making in town looting nearly impossible, thus making those first couple hours exponentially harder. Add in the already all too common PK, and the fact that gear, ammo, and food just became even more valuable and you will find many more people killing for simple gear between towns etc. You may have just made the game an impossible cluster fuck. I would suggest taking into account all of the reprocussions of making such a drastic change BEFORE you do so.
  3. QFT, btw dont lie and claim it was mont from a distance, 2 of us watched you literally pop up in front of us and hose us, even scrolled and caught ur name. [AG] Hunter
  4. Joshua (DayZ)

    Teleporting Admin

    QFT Seen it first hand from this guy, dont know if it is some sort of admin abuse or an actual hack.
  5. Joshua (DayZ)

    Bandit change - aborted - spawned in water

    Date/Time: May 1st 7/8pm GMT Happened here too and I would appreciate a simple rollback so I can continue where I left off :/ What happened: I was running thru the woods north of the NE airfield when my humanity went back up over 2000, the change from bandit to survivor caused me to hang at the black screen, reconnected and I was in the ocean, reconnected to another server and I had died and spawned on the beach with starting gear after having been alive for the last 3 days on this character -_- Where you were: north of the NE airstrip What you were doing: running thru the woods *Current installed version: 1.5.3 *Server(s) you were on: Seattle