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Everything posted by TheWeedMan

  1. TheWeedMan

    Infected Models etc - Community Projects

    Its not so much as getting the game finished faster...its more of a helping hand to allow the devs to work on other parts like getting the bugs fixed and keep the community occupied lol
  2. TheWeedMan

    Infected Models etc - Community Projects

    Yeah having the devs pick will probably be better and the steam workshops a great idea.
  3. The server doesn't load all infected on the map at once! Infected only spawn once a player hits a certain radius of a building etc so better models, skins, animations and hitboxes are definitely possible.
  4. TheWeedMan

    How to beat the game.

    You beat DayZ when you're character grows a 12 foot beard and you need all the mountain pack slots to carry it.
  5. TheWeedMan

    [Suggestion] Realistic Town Buildings

    There should be a designer dedicated to building design and another for interior modelling, texture making. For a post apocalyptic scene like Dayz is...the place is awfully tidy. I think in order for infected to get a staring role they must have them sweep up while no ones looking !
  6. TheWeedMan

    Idea to stop farming on emty server

    So....what your saying is if someone rents a server and no one else plays on it for a time then they should leave their own server to play on someone elses??? You see how things can get complicated easy in here!
  7. TheWeedMan

    My wish list for Dayz

    Oh it defo needs to be destructible....hence why groups are needed. Security on ur turf is essential
  8. TheWeedMan

    My wish list for Dayz

    The ability to cut trees down, make wooden planks and logs and build treehouses or base camps. Creates a safe haven from wandering hoards. Adds a group construction element rather than just pitching tents. Downed military choppers or planes, keeps players busy searching etc Clan or group logos on clothing and helmets. Controllable towns, adds turf war scenarios, trading posts etc. Generators that require fuel could be used to provide electricity for lighting. Welding kits to apply armour to vehicle's, maybe even mount guns etc Bandit hanging...would be nice to see the path to my basecamp decorated with hanging bandits as a warning. Erm I think thats all for now lol.
  9. TheWeedMan

    This community....(kos complaint)

    I think the KoS element is down to boredom for now. Once the main elements have been added to the game you may find communitys being built and towns being controlled...in these cases bigger groups will be needed to hold areas etc and setup supply and trade lines. Hopefully things like fuel will be scarce enough to encourage trading in order to run vehicles. Prisoners are a better commodity rather than kos, fresh meat tastes better than rotting flesh and those thunderdomes dont work without 2 fighters. Well this is the vision I have in my head anyway lol
  10. TheWeedMan

    DayZ Sound Design Test - Part 3 Final Added

    Nice clean effects, im hoping the games sound comes close to this.
  11. Hmmm I think OP needs a visit from 3 ghosts
  12. TheWeedMan

    Apparently no place is safe!

    What we need is tree houses lol
  13. TheWeedMan

    [Suggestion] Heart Monitor

    Ok ive did a search and nothing SA specific has came up that relates to this idea. Having a heart rate monitor displayed on the hud could present itself as many functions and solve certain issues at the same time. The monitor could be shown in 3 stages and could represent any of the following:- Green Status Everythings fine, you are healthy, you are not in combat - logout possible. Orange Status You are in fear, you are sick, your adrenaline has risen, youve heard gunshots, you have spotted an enemy or infected. Logout not possible. This could have a 1 minute cooldown period to reach green status providing you do not enter red status. Red Status You are terrified, you are fleeing, you are wounded, You are in combat - Logout not possible. This could have a further 2 minute cooldown period to reach Orange status. This is kinda sketchy but if youve read this far you'll get my drift. This would prevent ghosting, combat logging, possibly KoS as it would then have you tied to the game for 3 mins. The mod had a similar go at this (not as elaborate) that didnt quite takeoff during my play days. Anyway share your views and bashing or contribute ideas to improve it.
  14. TheWeedMan

    North west blur

    I had the same issue for about 4 hours of play, tried everything to try and cure it (thinking it was a sickness of sorts). I then decided to play around with my video options just incase but with a faulty left button on my Logitech G9 it accidentally took me back out the menu....screen problem gone though lol
  15. TheWeedMan

    North west blur

    Its a bug of some sorts...go into video options then into user interface then out again...seems to fix it.
  16. The game is still top notch even in its present condition and Rust etc is just a ripoff and idea theft. With a good graphics and effects overhaul along with nice ragdoll physics we would have ourselves a major advancement in DayZ. Sounds need redone too but these are finishing touches.
  17. I still reckon these need a lot of work before we get to a Beta. I have tested both the pipe wrench and axe in pristine condition on infected and what should have been a head splitting, brain exploding take down merely resulted in a cartoon style thump....totally ruining my noggin floggin experience. I sneak up behind an infected that was in awe of a fence, positioned myself perfectly, and Fucko...take that muthafucka!!! But to my dismay the infected dude growled and proceeds to demonstrate the boxing skills he obviously never lost. Ok its early Alpha and things will need adjusted and redone but will they be done to a visually nice standard or will we see a carbon copy of the mod. Hit values are simple to adjust and thats not a major issue with weapons but the infected represent nothing more than an obstacle in their present state and using melee weapons to take them down is nothing but a pfffft moment. I know this isnt Left4Dead 1 or 2 before someone blurts it out and bangs the Alpha drum. Im asking an honest question here....will the games visuals and animations be greatly improved for the infected or is this the level we expect to see with slight refinements? I'd love for the sight of sticking a knife into the side of an infected head to happen, to see skulls smash under the weight of a solid wrench or shovel blow complete with blood splatters or using an axe to chop of limbs but can this engine or graphics team create and support this or have I set my hopes on an impossible dream lol?
  18. TheWeedMan

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Lets not forget that the whole idea of these forums is discussion on the games development. Some people like it, some people dont its as simple as that but either way its discussion. I personally like the game...i played the mod for months and months and I purchased the EARLY ALPHA standalone (which was the communitys idea btw) to help support it!!! Now this development is just that...a development of a game that will be, its not a game yet and many many features, visuals and touches are not added. What also needs to be noted is this will be a long haul with many new incoming players that think they've just purchased a game because they're either to impatient to read or just plain ignorant (i can build flatpack furniture without instructions kinda people). Feedback and bug reporting is whats needed, not bashing or other game comparisons. We've already seen many differences between the SA and mod so just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  19. TheWeedMan

    ~$15 million later

    Ive seen this happen several times and there's always problems with game developments when the dev team increases its size. Community and dev relationships break down as things become more business like as more wages need to be paid and eventually the game gets rushed with less love injected. Rocket and Co have a vision in mind and things are progressing fine for now, one step at a time. I personally love the way that the dev team take on-board good ideas and suggestions from the community and it kinda makes you feel like a part of the build itself when those ideas come alive. This Alpha release is a key element to having this game production move faster, imagine 4-5 guys trying to bug test the game (slow progress huh) instead of 500,000 players, and the revenue earned is enough to see the games development secured for a long time to come. Dont look at the alpha release as a game, look at it more as you being a bug tester for a game your helping to create....yeah you paid a little cash to do it, how much has Rocket and Co got invested??? Yes they'll reap the profits but we will have a pretty fuckin amazing game in the end and paid far less for it than the new players that will purchase the end product.
  20. OK so DayZ Mod and SA both have you being the typical hunter gatherer when it comes to food and drink, very life like huh, but when does it need to be ejected from the body??? How's about adding these things to the game...."Erm, hold on guys, I'll be with you in a sec...I just need to take a shit" This is more to real life than anything lol, wouldn't it be fun sneaking up on would be shit takers that are squatting in a bush (book in hand) and robbing them? or, performing headshots on those that have nipped over to a bush to take a piss. Now this could be fun lol so bare with me here...this could also effect sniping etc, trying headshots from 800mtr while needed to take a crap would be near impossible. Losing your vehicle to some carjacker cos you had to pull over to piss or being mobbed by Z because they heard your dump drop lmao Anyway Food for Thought. Merry Chrimbo All and hope you have a good one ;)
  21. [VETERAN] [GMT+1] [3RD:ON] [CH:OFF] [50 Slot Mumble Server] [6 Hour Restarts - 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00] Admins: TheWeedMan, Cas, Arch3r, AngryJonny Hey All Being a NEW server on the block I thought I would open an official UK 180 thread for those that play there and players can introduce themselves etc We are still currently tweaking the server (well still trying to get to grips with the configs lol) but we plan to make it GMT-8 for the nightshift players amongst us. Hopefully we'll get a countdown warning system put inplace for the server restarts (looking at systems now). For those players that play on our server daily, feel free to use our mumble voice server (English Speaking Only). For details please contact myself or another Admin. Also anyone that is not an arsehole is welcome to join our community lol For Fast Reliable UK Based game server hosting please visit: www.xstreamgaming.net
  22. Im thinking of making the server a private hive with whitelisting to make the server more hack secure. I'd like to have the servers regular players have a say in this and let me know your thoughts
  23. TheWeedMan

    UK180 Susanin

    Confirmed - Teleport Hax = BAN! ;)
  24. Testing latest release and will update soon.