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Everything posted by TheWeedMan

  1. Yeah you just contact them, they will host just about anything you can play lol. Ive spoke to Sam the guy that owns them, real nice guy that will help you with anything.
  2. I would suggest using UK Based game server company Xstreamgaming.net I have my server UK 180 with them and its fu**in awsome to put it in simple terms. Lag Free Affordable Awsome Support. What more do you need lol As per you're less than 40 player server question.....I think this is DayZ rules to qualify for hive connection.
  3. TheWeedMan

    Pending Update: Build

    Regardless of what direction this mod takes us Rocket just make sure you stay true to your PC roots and dont go all console on us like most of our once fav dev teams have done. Oh and for fuck sake mate...fix the fuckin clipping, zombies can still walk through walls and market shelves lol ;)
  4. TheWeedMan

    SCO 60 Admin DCers

    Server Admin [0M6] Legendary Fox and his mate Killswitch then came back into the server, cas and Arch3r started to fire at both of them 1 after the other and they both disconnect to avoid being killed.....then again the server mysteriously goes down for the second time in a 20 min period. P.S When server had came back up both players had moved original positions too to flank us.
  5. TheWeedMan

    SCO 60 Admin DCers

    Yip Server Admin included tut tut all 4 of them sitting in the lobby seconds before the server goes down.
  6. TheWeedMan

    Battleye Client kicked me?

    Is it possibly a BE update?
  7. Hey guys Ive been playing on your server for a couple of weeks now but over the past 2 nights there has been a hacker on your server flying around in a chopper. This is normally after midnight....i forgot to get a screenshot of the playerlist (only 7 ppl on) but I'll get one if hes on tonight. Just giving you a heads up ;)
  8. TheWeedMan

    Anyone seen a Ghillie Suit spawn?

    No you havent....what you may have found is a tent with a ghillie inside as alternative clothing is not spawning!!!
  9. TheWeedMan

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Shouldn't server signups be the biggest priority and given a dedicated team members attention 24/7. Without the servers you have no player community expansion, without the players you have no alpha testers and without the testers you have nothing but pages of dust collecting long forgotten code.
  10. TheWeedMan

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    Our crew spread out in a line and run right around the map starting west to east.....we can find most camps in 3 hours never mind 6 ;)
  11. Not found any camo or ghillies since Deerstands are very near lootless. Laser pointer on guns are gone. Were all doomed, doomed I tell you....doooooomed
  12. TheWeedMan


    Lmao ur a weegie natno! How can u afford to buy a pc and keep yer kit habbit goin?
  13. TheWeedMan


    Lmfao gav brought stupid!! That yer backup gav....pffft
  14. TheWeedMan


    Again wi the Huns pish....yer patters like a priests spunk....only wee bhoys love it ;)
  15. TheWeedMan


    Now your a racist and a biggot Gavin....yes im a Hun and proud lol I've been gaming since you were in nappies and always used this name. Im Hardsyle not hardcore ;)
  16. TheWeedMan


    Seriously...what a bunch of bawbags....you canny even spell Scottish right on the thread name ya nugget! What age are you...12? And you're contradictory lines.....Scots Only, No English...unless you're cool...lmfao Epic!!! We are a bunch of Scots, Irish and English (No welsh yet) that play together and are about to get a server up, just waiting on an ID. We welcome anyone that can speak English!!! Not like these racist dobbers lol
  17. Since and latest arma patches my group has searched everywhere.....no camo and no ghillies. Deerstands seem to have either no loot or empty cans, tins and bottles. Everything else seems to spawn fine just not alternative clothing. Bring back bandit skins and Helis!!
  18. TheWeedMan

    IF this was an actual game...

    This game regardless of its current condition is keeping the PC Gamer community alive!!!! One off payment for the game. Community run servers. Pay for skin packs DLCs. End off!!!! Fuck the console generation and fuck sell out games companys.
  19. TheWeedMan

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Im a +1 for zombie children. The games a zombie infested survival sim and needs a broader variant in infected. Personaly id like to see loads of different Kid, woman and male infected models added to add to the realism.
  20. Ok so far I've been playing Dayz for a few months and my latest survival run is a personal best of 8 days. Ive been playing the same server for over a month now and starting to become strangely curious as to how my packed out vehicles are being found so easily in such short time even though they are placed in near impossible to find places. Now dont jump down my neck here and try hitting me with the old "hide them better" bullshit. Its only 1 vehicle at a time and my group dont hoard or use tents, we have 1 and 1 only at a time but we do pack it to shit. We've each took turns and hidden several vehicles now on this server (no names mentioned) the latest being that well hidden even I lost it for a while and I knew its exact co-ords however, in a very short space of time it had been found and taken. Yes it was saved....before anyone asks! But this seems to be a very regular occurrence. Is it possible clan guys are using logs to trace and recover?
  21. TheWeedMan

    Can server owners trace vehicles?

    We never hide the vehicles we get in the same location but we do hide them (which I though) extremely well. We never take the larger vehicles either as there obviously harder to hide....but the latest vehicle being the camo jeep was so well hidden it couldn't be seen from a whole 360 run around or from the hill above.....as I said even I had trouble trying to re-find it again. We each take turns at taking and hiding the vehicle so that the one that hid it is the only one that knows where....not that we dont trust each other, its just easier for 1 person to stay behind as the rest log off. Weird as fuck I tell ya ;)
  22. TheWeedMan

    Can server owners trace vehicles?

    So for now its more or less pointless having a vehicle in a groups possession unless its manned 24/7 then :(
  23. TheWeedMan

    Storage and hording

    This has to be the dumbest fucking thread in these forums lol. Tent and vehicle hoarding is amazing for players like me that doesn't pitch tents but spends time searching for yours!!! There is no better feeling than finding a camp and looting the shit out of it and stealing the vehicles. The shear heart pounding experience of knowing they could return to catch you....ive been caught in the act several times and killed but its worth it just for that wave of excitement and the massive grin it brings to the face. My team love these search and destroy camp attacks and has given us some major gunbattle gameplays and the best laugh ever on dayz. I do agree tho that anything placed off the map should be deleted!!! It makes it easier for us to find ;)
  24. TheWeedMan

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Agreed!!! But 20 seconds is a touch high. 10 seconds is ideal. I watched a player disconnect under fire earlier then re-emerge 2 mins later behind his attacker and kill him. He obviously server hopped to adjust position then hopped back!!! Lame tadgers like that should be banned. P.S....i now wear his ears on my chain as a trophy!!!