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Everything posted by TheWeedMan

  1. I have been keeping a close eye on the antics of SOBR clan on the server and we may set another trap so see if the results end in the same outcome. Thomas Beckett seems to be extremely lucky at finding vehicles and I have some reasons to suspect foul play at foot. BattleEye are working on something big so time will tell.
  2. TheWeedMan

    Looking to buy a server for our clan

    Shop around....read the forum posts
  3. So recently we've been noticing vehicles are being discovered (let's just say) a little to easily on our server and our regulars have also noticed this. Well hidden vehicles are simply gone within hours and no one on our server is able to locate any vehicles at all. I recently picked up a Admin Radar tool from a fellow admin in these forums to investigate. Let me add, I run my server fairly and in a completely unbiased manner and my regulars will confirm this. I dont agree with using such a tool as it gives an admin knowledge he or she should not have but in my case it served for the purpose of good and for the reason such a tool was created for. Myself and another Admin came up with a plan to set bait (being the big brown truck) and fill it will goodies and place it in an impossible to find location....i.e miles off map. Now please dont think this is a common occurrence! We are dead against off map camps etc Anyway...our bait was taken within the space of an hour and apon checking the Admin radar tool a certain clan thats recently started playing our server head straight to it almost in a perfect line from the other side of the map as though they had its exact co-ords. The tool doesn't show them exactly taking it as it does not show off map locations but it does show 3 members of this clan leaving the map at that given time (timestamped) and re-emerging together. Let me also add that they have a large number of the servers vehicles too. Screenshots of the tool can be provided as well as logs....would this be a definite case of hacking?
  4. TheWeedMan

    Second Opinion on Hackers

    Im all for giving players the benefit of the doubt but it does set off a few alarm bells!
  5. So is anyone else noticed how easily our hidden vehicles are being discovered?
  6. I cried myself to sleep last night lol....1 month old character.....and a pair of boxers full of shit when the gun went off ;)
  7. To the player that killed me yesterday without hesitation in that NW barn...you've created a monster! Im now an official sniping head hunter and the executioner of your crew ;) P.S we now know who you are after the takedowns at the NE airstrip!
  8. TheWeedMan

    Need help asap cant even play game

    It may not be a hacker....its a random bug. Log out and back in and u should end up on the coast with ur gear.
  9. Where should that be located or entered?
  10. Server reset messages are now working
  11. TheWeedMan

    Game crashes to desktop!

    Its normally in your steam arma folder...then into the extensions folder. You should see beta folder......delete the beta folder.
  12. TheWeedMan

    Can't launch arm 2

    You havent created an @DayZ folder in addons to store your DayZ files
  13. TheWeedMan

    "Arma 2 has stopped working" temp fix

    When do you get the Arma 2 has stopped working error mate?
  14. TheWeedMan

    Game crashes to desktop!

    Have you all updated the game through steam. Heres the way I fixed mine. Close the game and close steam locate your Arma 2 Beta folder and delete it. Restart your computer. When the PC comes back up right click on your steam shortcut and run as administrator. In Steam - Right click on arma 2 and goto its properties - Verify File Integrity (You may have 1 missing file...thats ok) Now do the same for Arrowhead (Again you might have 1 or 2 files missing here....its ok) Run both games once but dont play just exit once they start. Copy the latest DayZ files back into the addons folder. Install Arma 2 beta Patch ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95389.zip Then install ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95417.zip (i had to install both for some reason you may only need latest) Once both are installed try running DayZ (I run mine from the Beta Patch shortcut in my game folder which works fine) Goodluck ;)
  15. TheWeedMan

    Helicopter Crash Site Smoke

    It wouldnt bother me so much if I'd never seen the smoke before lol its the fact that I used to see it fine until now.
  16. Try here:- http://kodabar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html I dont even use steam anymore becuase of all the dumb errors I got. I now launch my game from the Arma 2 Beta shortcut in my game folder.
  17. TheWeedMan

    Random ban?

    Your asking in the wrong place mate, Dayz has nothing to do with what BE does. Possibilities say you may have been GUID duped by a haxor or you are indeed dumb enough to have tried out a script and got busted.... either way BattleEye bans should be pleaded to http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  18. Hmm 2 choppers....aint there supposed to be 1 per server?
  19. Ive already told our regulars via pm that I can setup private rooms for them m8 ;)
  20. Hey All Ive installed BEC onto my server and for some reason or other players are able to use Direct Chat ingame??? All of my configs etc are showing as Disabled which it should be but watching the RCon panel some players are using it. Could an other admin please confirm files and settings related to Direct Chat please.
  21. TheWeedMan

    Admin Help - Ingame Direct Chat

    I dont mean comms (mic) direct chat I mean direct typing chat.
  22. Mumble Server Details IP: Port: 64738