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Everything posted by Neth_Oni

  1. Neth_Oni

    Inside a building

    I was looting a house in northern Berezino when I suddenly teleported into the inaccessible part of the building and am now stuck :(
  2. Neth_Oni

    Inside a building

    I was able to get out by sprinting and jumping, thanks for the tip :) Would have been sad to "lose" like that,a character that has been alive since wednesday and now has pretty much full gear :)
  3. Neth_Oni

    Wiping character

    sure it's not a "private hive" server?
  4. Neth_Oni

    What's some famous last words in Dayz?

    "Come out with your hands in the air" I refused of course and payed them in kind ;)
  5. Neth_Oni

    Pitch black

    I have no problem with nights being as dark as it has been in the mod and was in the SA on tuesday but now when I try to play it's completely black. I can't see anything at all! And when I turn on my gas lamp the only thing that happens is that the lamp starts to shine, looking like a white ball to a black background. It doesn't illuminate anything at all. Anyone else have the same problem?
  6. Neth_Oni

    Pitch black

    the lamp is "worn" but I recall the gas being "damaged" or something like that. I have an extra gas that is pristine, but I cant change the canister :(
  7. Neth_Oni

    Drinking from wells

    Drinking from wells was supposed to be fixed in the patch right? Didn't work for me, at least not from the well just outside cherno to the west
  8. Neth_Oni

    Drinking from wells

    hm, now I died from thirst, or rather fell unconcious so I respawned. I spawned very close and ran there but no body was found... If you chose to respawn instead of just waiting to die, does that mean that your body and all gear is lost? :(