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About Sabron44

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sabron44

    Does everyone prefer the Mosin?

    Pretty much every weapon 1 shots zombies and some melee weapons, they are going to become stronger eventually when Rocket fixes them.
  2. Game currently has little number of zombies due to performance issues, once more zombies arrive, hopefully the PvE aspect of the game becomes a lot more difficult. But then again, this is going to arrive latter stated by Rocket which is in Early 2014 I believe. So untill then, the game is mainly focused towards PvP action with very light PvE action.
  3. Sabron44

    Does everyone prefer the Mosin?

    The M4 is weak as hell, and the attachments don't make a difference unless you find a decent scope that isn't broken.
  4. Sabron44

    Still Sick

    Oh nvm, it passed. :3 So does my blood regen back?
  5. Sabron44

    Still Sick

    I'm just gonna hide in a tree and kill my self and hopefully get back to my body.
  6. Sabron44

    Still Sick

    I don't understand how my character is sick, my thirst and hunger are gone, they were yellow about 25 minutes ago but I drank water and ate a can of food and my character is still sick? I don't understand..
  7. Hey guys, I purchased DayZ SA yesterday (have played the mod) and I'm enjoying it :) even though its in alpha, and took a while to get some action going. I managed to kill 5 people at the Balota barracks and got heaps of gear. I also found a can opener on one of my victims but I'm not sure how to use it? I've got like 5 cans of food on me. [RESOLVED] ty Jonny45 How do I get rid of sickness? I just had a whole can and plenty of water from the pump. Also, how do you refill water-bottles? Thanks!
  8. Perhaps a visual/icon of the hunger and drink?. everything else can be left to text.