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About onimaster777

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. So I've been pleasantly surprised with how good this alpha has actually been. Everything I have been able to do thusfar has exceeded my expectations. The only thing that really annoys me and makes the game hard to play is the glitchy laggy movement of other players. You can see it in countless videos and examples of how people you play with glide all over the place and move through objects as if the server isn't sure of their position. This problem was present in the mod and is also present in the standalone at the moment. I thought the network bubble was the feature that was going fix this issue but it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. My question to everyone is do you think this will be fixed? Is it able to be fixed at all? Or is it a problem with the core network of the engine that we are stuck with?
  2. onimaster777

    confirm regenerating blood is working?

    hmmmmmmm i dont have that annotation in my inventory.. im at full thirst and hunger though? I havent died since the patch so it could possibly be i need to start a new character?
  3. onimaster777

    confirm regenerating blood is working?

    oh cool i didnt even know soda was detrimental in the alpha! thanks for the tip
  4. can anyone confirm that regenerating blood when at full hunger and thirst is working? ive been on quite low blood a while now and it doesnt seem to be increasing! Ive kept myself full and hydrated but it seems nothing is changing? Is it just realllllllllly slow? or still bugged?
  5. onimaster777

    Indoor Lighting

    Next time your playing shine your flashlight at a solid wall with a window (dont shine the light through the window), and use the 3rd person camera to get a decent view through the window. You will see that the light goes straight through the wall and illuminates objects outside. If you think thats ok then i guess thats up to you, but im hoping that i can be fixed.
  6. onimaster777

    Indoor Lighting

    Just had a quick question about lighting inside buildings. At the moment we all know turning on your flashlight in a building is a great way to give off your position as the light shines through walls of the structure, illuminating objects past the wall. While I do agree having a light on in a building should make you easier to spot, it should not be left in its current state because its too much of a give away. My question to the devs is will this likely be able to be fixed? from what i understand lighting is an engine problem so how hard would it be to change? thanks
  7. onimaster777

    Input lag

    Ok I see. So basically it's a server issue rather than a personal hardware issue? That's good because they'll be able to optimize through patches and the like!
  8. onimaster777

    Input lag

    Anyone else getting really bad input lag? As in you click a button and have to wait a couple of seconds before anything happens? I've been getting this heaps and I was wondering if I was the only one? Doing anything in the inventory results in a 2-3 second delay between clicking something and having the action happen such as drinking, putting items in hands etc. Also vaulting and the running jump seem to be really badly affected. I always join servers where I have decent ping (60-80) so that can't be the issue I don't think?