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Everything posted by Sgt_Thief

  1. Sgt_Thief

    Well,that sucks.

    You might try to stop thinking of DayZ as a typical game with a beginning middle and end, but more like a roguelike, usually brutal and unforgiving top down ASCII games, Ex: rogue, dwarf fortress, Cataclysm, many others if you feel like searching. They are played more for the challenge of living as long as possible and dieing in crazy or amusing ways, you are just trying to delay the inevitable more than 'win' anything, might help you have some fun. Or not, whatever works.
  2. But you aren't being reasonably polite. You are trying to mask condescension and belittlement with 'polite' language. Not exactly the point of the topic. Trolls are going to troll, if they can't grow up at least take it to the off topic section if not another forum, It doesn't belong and shouldn't be tolerated in feedback/discussion/suggestion sections.
  3. I would be interested in helping out as a guard/scavenger, maybe a merc after my aim and survivability improves some. Would be nice to have somewhere to go when it gets tedious out there. Pretty much available before 8PM(-5:00 GMT/central). Figured I'd post this here instead of just joining, seems a little weird (to me at least) not to request permission (for lack of a better word?) to join.
  4. Harmony is unrealistic at this point (and probably any point), people are going to disagree, people are going to dislike each other, nothing will change that, to think otherwise is insane. Harmony doesn't exist, at least not on a scale of up to 250,000+/- people interacting with each other, that's what civility is for, it's worked for most of humanity up to this point right? Just because we don't all like each other, just because we don't all agree on everything, doesn't mean we have to degrade into flaming each other on a regular basis until one or the other decides it's not worth the trouble anymore and leaves or stops posting, does forcing people (that actually try to have civil, constructive and useful conversations) out of a discussion or forum really help anything? That's what we are discussing here right? Civil interaction Vs the seemingly more popular uncivil interaction adopted by most of the internet 'communities' and how to deal with it here. I know, blasphemy right? Again rainbows and sunshine aren't what we(/I) are(/am) looking for, just some common courtesy and civility. Just because you don't agree with something someone says doesn't mean you have to attack them relentlessly. "That's stupid! what a moron." doesn't help anyone, next time you (no one in particular) have the urge to post anything like that take a moment to think about why "it's stupid" and post your reasoning instead, it might lead to a good idea. If you (no one in particular) can't do that don't post, if it really is a "stupid idea" then it wont make it past being a concept anyway. Just a thought.
  5. Harmony is unrealistic at this point(and probably any point), people are going to disagree, people are going to dislike each other, nothing will change that, to think otherwise is insane. Harmony doesn't exist, at least not on a scale of 250,000~ people interacting with each other, that's what civility is for, it's worked for most of humanity up to this point right? But just because we don't all like each other, just because we don't agree on everything, doesn't mean we have to degrade into flaming each other on a regular basis until one or the other decides it's not worth the trouble anymore and leaves or stops posting, does forcing people(that actually try to have civil, constructive useful conversations) out of a discussion or forum really help anything? That's what we are discussing here right? Civil interaction Vs the seemingly more popular uncivil interaction adopted by most of the internet 'communities' and how to deal with it here. I know, blasphemy right? Again rainbows and sunshine aren't what we are looking for, just some common courtesy and civility. Just because you don't agree with something someone says doesn't mean you have to attack them relentlessly. "That's stupid! what a moron." doesn't help anyone, next time you(anyone that posts useless comments) have the urge to post anything like that take a moment to think about why "it's stupid" and post your reasoning instead, might lead somewhere interesting, if you can't do that don't post, if it really is a "stupid idea" then it wont make it past being a concept anyway. Just a thought.
  6. [Edit] That would be my suggestion' date=' yeah. The Escapist has a set in stone law about low content posts, and a fairly obvious rule against attempted derailing. Those two alone would bring the quality of posts way up. So proposed new rules: Stay on target, and only post when you can contribute. [/quote'] Sounds good to me, though I could obviously work on my topic accuracy... [/Edit]
  7. I nor anyone here would want to change that' date=' again your point? Okay? Point? I think you might be in the wrong place. You seem confused.
  8. He said it! it's his fault! :P But seriously this needs to be how a discussion on features and feedback is handled.
  9. Perhaps if the more mature/constructive members of the forum started defending each other and/or start making it clear that immaturity isn't welcome/tolerated here some progress could be made. Encourage honest disagreements but discourage immature behavior when possible. Encouraging Civil behavior and putting thought in to your posts also needs to be done, contrary to seemingly popular belief this isn't a chat room/instant messenger, this is a forum, while not a huge difference we should aim for higher standards, or at least some standards to start with. And as others have suggested a moderator crackdown on abusive(flaming, trolling and the like) and destructive behavior in the DayZ sections at least could help, but clearly defined rules would need to be made before that would be a good idea. Hopefully this goes somewhere. Thoughts? Am I crazy for wanting this to work? 6*6+6?!?
  10. The problem with wanting everyone to interact coherently and more or less respectfully is no one has to behave, no one has to be respectful, there's no consequence for attacking people for no reason(verbally in this case). Until people grow up and stop acting like a snarling monkeys tossing their crap at anyone in range because he's anonymous and can get away with it, good luck. With that being said I would be incredibly impressed if this community could form some measure of civil interaction and for the most part discourage abusive or disrespectful behavior towards each other, after all we don't have to like each other, we just have to deal with each other. I've got no ideas as to how to do that though.
  11. Sgt_Thief

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    DayZ being a mod for Arma 2 CO, did bring new customers to BI, But we are only customers of BI, not the DayZ team. there hasn't been any exchange of money between you, me or anyone here and the DayZ team(at least not for a product, donations maybe but those don't count). So no, we aren't customers and the DayZ team doesn't owe anyone anything for buying Arma 2 CO. Is that better? Or am I wasting keystrokes?
  12. Sgt_Thief

    An open letter to the silent majority

    While there are plenty of issues that need to be taken care of and things to be added/tweaked, this mod is such a refreshing experience. Even for an Alpha release, I can't wait to see where it ends up. I don't remember ever playing a game that actually made me have to use a map and landmarks to navigate, take my time and think about my movements, planning and so on. I think It's pretty cool whenever you can learn real world applicable skills in games, keep up the good work and try not to water it down or cater to the griefers too much.