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About sk1y

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  1. sk1y

    Why not change the "You are Dead"

    I recommend comic sans.
  2. sk1y

    Frankieontvin1080p wannabes?

    I had this experience in the mod. Random people sayed "hey buddy, you need to put down you gun bla bla bla" in a super serious voice. I always laughed and shot them or ran away. Never had this situation in the SA.
  3. sk1y

    $300 PC Build work for Dayz?

    Make it 600 $ and we can start have a conversation. But it doubt you can build gaming PC with 600 $. Maybe 700-800.
  4. sk1y

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    Ah youtube videos....... I couldn't care less. Make your own mind. I purchased the alpha because: 1) i know what alpha stage in software development means and so what i will face, 2) i wanted to support the development.Yet I still enjoy the SA alpha a lot even though it has all these problems. BTW there is a pinned topic about this subject. So why make a new thread anyways? Edit: @ above me: No the worst thing about the internet is, everyone thinks he is the middle point of the universe and everyone has to accept their opinion.
  5. Mercules i can completely understand your point. I don't want people to turn around in first person like they had spin bots like in counter strike. Can't the devs put a limit for maximum speed/360 turn? I'm not asking to remove negative acceleration for more speed and being able to perform flick shots. I just want the "natural" feeling i have with raw imput and no mouse acceleration. When i walk in a house and slowly move my mouse i want to be able to look around smoothly. And when i want to observe a large area and move my mouse fast in want to move faster ingame as well.
  6. You guys don't understand. Removing mouse acceleration gives no advantage in terms of speed. I'm also a counter strike player that plays with raw input and no mouse acceleration. I have to move my mouse across my whole mousepad to perform a 360. But this doesn't make me move faster but more precise. The advantage against high sens users is that i have more precision. Currently in DayZ SA = There is only 1 mouse speed. The one you set in your option. When you move your mouse faster you move slower. People in this forum always talk about how important realism is in Dayz. So you can move only at one speed IRL? But when you turn your body fast it slows down? Dayz just feels extremely unnatural. And when you remove mouse acceleration you are not faster! Because its 1:1 input. Move mouse slow = move slow ingame, move mouse faster = move fast ingame. But the maximum speed is set by your mouse sensitivity, not acceleration! There is no advantage. If the game had positive acceleration you would gain an advantage.
  7. sk1y

    Windows XP

    Besides that Microsoft will drop the support for Win XP in 3 months. So your friend shouldn't go online with xp then and upgrade anyway.
  8. sk1y

    Will my Mac hande SA?

    The two graphic cards mentioned here are 4 times faster than the Intel HD 4000. Also this game is pretty CPU demanding, a dual core won't handle this game very well. I would expect something like 15-20 fps maybe.
  9. sk1y

    Rolling updates...TBA

    Yes stupid software developers on vacation! Always want to celebrate Christmas and new year!
  10. I just press respawn and go on from there.
  11. sk1y

    Recording Standalone?

    You have a nvidia card. Why not use shadowplay?
  12. sk1y

    So Sacriel trolled everyone?

    So, does this mean things can go wrong in project management? Especially in software development? In an early alpha, around Christmas, new year? Wow I am surprised. Not. edit: Man, Ozelot was faster than me.
  13. 1. Performance: My system has the recommended specs but still runs around 15-30 fps on low details 2. Loot spawn: Since you need to drink and eat alot after spawning, loot should respawn based on server population 3. Zombies: After the client side performance is implemented would be nice to see more zombies