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Jew (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jew (DayZ)

  1. Good job Dean, good job. :thumbsup:
  2. Jew (DayZ)


    Greetings, everyone! First of all I want to thank Dean & his team for a good job. Even this is alpha, I have enjoyed so much playing this game. It's not better than Mod yet, but after you make vehicles and fix that zombie/loot respawn bug, I'm sure this will be so amazing. Thank you guys. Teleport Bug Few minutes ago, I was playing SA. I was looting something at Stary Sobor (It's very cool now btw), and after that I decided to go check Kabanino. When I reached Kabanino, I saw that orange tile house. I went in. Thing what I saw first, was a pair of boots. I was like "wow, i gotta take those boots". I went next to boots and press'd TAB, and suddenly - whoOOOP - I'm back inside the green house, in Stary Sobor! I was like "okay, this is alpha, no worries, lets go back Kabanino"... Finally, back in Kabanino. And boots are still here! I was going to try to loot dem boots again, but nope. NOPE! I teleported back to the green house in Stary Sobor. Am I only one who got this bug? I'm not sure what I should do now, will this happen again? :/ inb4 boots of devil huehuehuehue Edit: Sorry for my english, I'm from Finland :^)
  3. Jew (DayZ)

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Pretty cool Characters you have there. I was wondering where did you find all those weapons? I'm in Stary Sobor atm, should I go loot NWA?