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About cassavetes

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cassavetes

    Scumbag Bandit with a Mosin - Episode 02!

    Is it really helping to have the graphics on very low?
  2. cassavetes

    Scumbag Bandit with a Mosin - Episode 02!

    It's NOT!! :rolleyes:
  3. cassavetes

    [SUGGESTION] Reduce Fall Damage

    Fall damage is an important aspect of the game, but it's so glitchy right now.... I stopped counting how many times I died in totally absurd ways.
  4. cassavetes

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    Same thing here. Game is unplayable atm.
  5. cassavetes

    Scumbag Bandit with a Mosin - Episode 02!

    Ahah dude nice vid! You're a freaking monster and I should not encourage you, but this was oddly satisfying to watch. I feel dirty :( .
  6. cassavetes

    KoS Video. Bring on the hate!

    Ahahahahh nice one :) I would be mad if it was me getting killed but i loved it.