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Everything posted by adell83085

  1. Admin for Dallas 40 here reporting a hack that just occurred. At about 1:55 A.M. Eastern Time Dallas 40 was hacked. We had about 8 people on with our group, and all of a sudden everyone died. We have restarted the server, and it is locked for a few minutes so we can report this, and attempt to figure out what is going on. I was on and active when this happened, and can vouch this was 100% positively a hacker. We have banned 2 folks tonight for hacking already, and it is getting a bit out of control on this server.
  2. adell83085

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    As I stated before, if it comes out that any errant activity was conducted purposely to benefit a moderator (i.e. abuse of power via rebooting the server), that moderator will be removed as such, and all passwords will be changed. It doesn't change the fact of what happened, nor does it help, but it is how this will be handled. I was rude in my responses on reddit because of the knee jerk reaction we all had, but shit happens I am not going to try and edit posts to make myself look good I will stand by my statements and absolutely admit when I am wrong though. I would like to say in a moment of clarity after waking up this evening we all enjoy a game and have a common ground. If you choose to play on Dallas 40 awesome, and if not, that's okay too. You see someone cheating REPORT IT. I wish I were there to see what happened first hand, but I wasn't. I know not 8 hours earlier than this incident there was a guy on the server using mortars, and he was reported (let me know if that is in the game, and I'll redact that statement). I'm relatively new to renting servers, and PC gaming, but have worked with computers, servers, etc for the past 9 years, so I can still understand if the server crashed or had its routine 6 hour restart how it could be seen as admin abuse. I had that same server restart on me the other day after looting a coyote backpack, and I lost it. Again, things happen it sucks, but its a video game. And don't we love it because of the fact that a bug or misstep can cause us to have to start over on the beach??
  3. adell83085

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    First, I would like to introduce myself. I am n00bsos, and help run Dallas 40. I work nights, so if this is in poor grammar or confusing I'll check back to make sure I fix it when I wake up tonight and get more coffee in me. Just to respond on behalf of the folks running Dallas 40 we did not take the server down this morning. I do not have access to the logs at the moment, but when I am able to get them I will look over them very thoroughly to ensure again the server crash (or restart) was not initiated intentionally to kick you from the server. Your initial post made it seem as if you were banned from the server intentionally. Putting everything together (i.e. you not being able to see the server when you lost connection) leads me to believe this was a server restart in Dallas not conducted by an 'admin'. Those restarts will cause the server to appear offline for a moment as they are actual hard restarts. I will apologize for getting a bit flustered with you as noone enjoys being called a cheater. I have chatted with the folks that were on this morning (there were 5-6), and they've explained the situation to me. I have your side of this as well, and have had time to step back from this situation and consider both sides. From what you stated below (the server crashing/restarting as soon as you highjacked the truck and being restarted by the admins) appears to be true. However, the server crashing/restarting caused it to need a restart/another restart. I don't know how savvy you are with servers, computers, etc, but the server crashed/restarted when you were initially booted. When the folks logged back in they did not see zombie spawns or loot spawns for quite some time. They restarted the server, and were under the impression the server was intentionally crashed by someone not the folks in Dallas that we rent from. It was locked for a short period of time to try and figure out what the hell happened because like any admin of any server ever if you sense there was a serious threat that caused damage you want to make sure the issue is remedied and things are back to normal before allowing users back in only for more problems to arise. We have never had anyone complain, and we've had a decent amount of hackers/cheaters try to play on our server that have been taken care of through the proper means. Whatever the case may be I can promise you that Gilboa and I are out to take care of that server as if it were our own child. We are avid gamers, and dislike cheaters just as much as everyone else. I apologize that you feel you were wronged. I can't go into the server and spawn you vehicles and weapons or I would try to make it up to you. At the end of the day it was a misunderstanding, no one was trying to cheat you, and it is a game in it's Alpha testing phase we are all learning as it develops into the beast it has become. I absolutely welcome you to chat with me through here or on private message on the situation, and of course report any cheating conducted on Dallas 40 to myself or Gilboa.