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Posts posted by Ryzen

  1. Yep the zeds sure are a threat now. At least until I get to grips with the new axe stance anyway.


    Seems painting the fireaxe sends it to ruined condition (only tried twice using green spray paint).


    Grey wool coats and the grey flat cap make you look like a rich landowner. 


    I have a DPM boonie  :)

    I painted my axe black and it remained pristine.  Might be a bug with green or just a random bug in general.



    cant play more than 30 minutes on a server than i get kicked because server is not responding. My FPS droped from 40-60 outside of cities to 30 - 40 and from 25 - 30 in cities to 15 - 20.

    I noticed the same thing when I was jumping back and forth from regular to experimental a few days ago.  I found the problem was very high shadows, if I set it to just high I get my fps back.  Don't know if that's your case?

  2. As aspected on patch day there's going to be some problems.  I'm just so glad that they finally released it that I can overlook any problems until fixed :)


    So how exactly does rain and getting wet work?  The only item I've found that isn't affected by wetness are wellies; even my raincoat became soaking wet!  I heard being wet can cause sickness or even ruin clothing?  I did find a gas canister and portable stove that dried everything out for me (except my ballistic helmet) which i thought was neat.

  3. How...Maybe i am wrong but why its took so long ?

    If my source are correct. Blood max level is 5000 points, Shock max level also 5000 points. If Shock level is higher than blood level, you passing out. If blood level is lower than 500 then without shock you pass out. Shock going down 30 points per second (30/s).


    I use that info as a assumptions:

    5000 - 500 = 4500 (level of blood which can be lost without passing out)

    4500/30 = 150 (assume thats shock level was at max (5000) and going down. Its need 150 seconds (2 min 30 sec) to get 500 point of blood and stay conscious)

    You didn't die after 25 min in unconscious status thats mean you didn't bleeding. If i assume that you had 1 blood left and your status was in range to get slow blood rageneration (1 blood per second) then its should take 500 sec, its (8 min 20 sec) to get 500 blood. ( I dont mind +/-1 sec here, its just 1 sec diffrent)

    As when you was unconscious your shock level was going down and eventually blood was reganerate in same time. What mean: 8 min 20 sec its max time what should wait for conscious back. Then why its took 25 min ? I missed something ?


    I should point out that I was bleeding when I did wake up, vision black and white.  Crawled to a bush (leg broken) and bandaged.  I was a bit surprised myself when I noticed I was bleeding all of that time and still awoke.  Until the next patch you can actually bleed until 0 and not die, just be stuck unconscious indefinitely.


    That's some good info you have though.  Can you post the source?  8min and 20 sec isn't all that bad of a wait once the system is working properly compared to what I've waited through in the past; still be nice to have some kind of indicator even if vague.

  4. Either way there is also times when you can't get back to conciousness without the help of someone else. I think having no timer makes it more exciting.

    I should also point out that I agree with this guy fully.  However, I don't want to be waiting in suspense for 25+ minutes.  There comes a point where the individual alt tabs or just respawns, breaking the point.


    If you're going to have me be unconscious for 25+ minutes with the ability of waking up on my own, then have an indication of "you're in a deep sleep, dont expect anything anytime soon" followed by "you're going to be waking up in the next 1-5mins" is all I'm really asking for.


    In my opinion, an unconscious state where I can wake up on my own shouldn't last more than 5 minutes.  Any unconscious state lasting more than 5minutes should require external help and an indication of such.  That way I'm not wasting my time if I can't get such external help.  There's no point in wasting my time when I'm already losing my character.

  5. Well, to be fair you have no recollection of what happened while your character was unconscious and you wouldn't have of time unless you are staring at a clock which is 4th wall breaking. When you are unconcious you have no clue when you will wake up, neither does your character. I like not having a timer. The Mod had a timer that was not exact but you could guess about how long it would take. That was okay, but not having one means you have to sit there on the edge of your seat waiting for... what? A few minutes?

    I've waited 45 minutes twice now.  But to be fair, come next patch reaching a blood level of 0 will kill you.  After tweaking, if it ends up just being a few minutes then I won't mind at all.  The longest I've waited and actually woke up on my own is 25 minutes.  I think it's just a little to much.  I'll pretty much settle for any indication like what was in the mod at that point.

  6. No, in real, when you fall unconscious you dont "wake up" when you want and you dont know when you wake up or IF you even wake up. You don't see how many blood you have or anything, just loosing conscious, bah and da end - sleep time. Dont see reason why in that case should be timer here.

    But from your perspective, you wake up instantly.  You have no recollection of the time that elapsed while being unconscious.  Obviously this is impossible to replicate in the game, a compromise of a timer would suffice.



    No you don't. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?

    Several things happen as you regain consciousness. First you begin to be able to hear things, typically with a roaring in your ears that fades and lets you start to make out what is going on around you. Then the sensation of your body starts to return but you are still not able to actually move or control it. After that your vision might return and then you will start to regain vision and the ability to move although typically you will be jerky and clumsy until your fully regain consciousness. It is by no means instantaneous. 

    Your argument is focused on when an individual is considered fully conscious.  That was not my goal in my argument.  I was just pointing out that you have no recollection of time while you are fully unconscious.  How the game is now, you instantly wake up; I wouldn't mind if the process was slowler as you described.  But again, this is after the unconscious period we're discussing.

  7. In real you don't see any timer :P For me its fine like is now.


    In real you wake up "instantly" and aren't bored waiting around staring at your eyelids.


    I would love having a timer.

    • Like 1

  8. I know we all hate hackers, so I'm looking for those servers that take an extra effort in having active admins online or a dedicated community website to quickly report and take care of such incidents.


    For my own preferences I looked through hardcore only servers on the east coast (low ping) and I only found two servers.


    Midnight Gaming



    Both of which have a dedicated report button on their website and claim to try and have active admins.


    I would love to expand this list outside of just my own preferences for the community to reference and use.  There's currently plenty of hack resources on Google that advertise and brag about not being detectable by Vac or Battle Eye and I've witnessed them first hand.

  9. "Our coder plans to put in full aimbot as well as many other options in the coming days. You can see from the screens below that you can see all the items on the map at all times, this makes it super easy for you to find weapons, ammo and more. Our DayZ SA hack is undetected by VAC and our other VAC secure hacks have never been detected, so sign up knowing we have the best prices and the best undetected DayZ standalone hack."


    There's so many resources out there once you get looking.

  10. Again tonight I ran into the same problem.  This time I was actually able to record how they are getting inside the walls in buildings; which I won't post here.  My friends and I (who were scattered across town) as well as everyone else in elektro, were then promptly killed by a hacker who could see through all buildings and had 100% accuracy for any distance.


    Is anyone else having such problems?  A few days ago I'd only see it once in a while, but now I'm literally seeing people glitching into building walls every time I play.  I'm also hoping they pounce on these latest set of hacks that are available now.  Really don't want a repeat of the mod.

  11. If anyone knows how to reproduce getting into a building like that I'd be more than happy to reproduce it in a video (listing as private) and creating a Bug report on it.  Send me the info in a PM though.


    I've only ever logged in inside of a building once.  That's how I know you can see through all floors/walls.


    I've seen this exploit used numerous times in many building types.  I just wanted to share in hopes of getting it fixed as it seems to be growing more and more rampant and is becoming game breaking.


    My buddy and I are upstairs when some new spawns start messing with us. I had no intention of harming them as you can see in the vid, just scare them off and close the door.

    My guess as to what happened after I gave up on trying to close the door:
    I was eye level to the M4 guy who was glitched in the building, thus I could see him. After backing up the stairs and getting above him, he disappears. 10 seconds later he then shoots my confused buddy who is prone upstairs through the floor in the stomach.

    I have seen numerous people taking advantage of this building glitch as you can see everything and everyone inside the building.

    Consider this as feedback for the alpha state the game is in and not complaining.

  13. Yeah, it seems more legit not being able to run back to your body but I feel 10minutes is just to short.  It takes me at least 10minutes after a fight and scouting the area before I feel comfortable approaching the body to loot  it.  This isn't counting fighting any of his buddies I may find in this time frame.

    • Like 1

  14. I have been having problems with my mic in game.  People can hear me in game but they can't understand me.  My friend says I cut in and out and it sounds like a really bad cell phone, though maybe 1 word will come through crystal clear once in a while.  I've been using my mic for various games, mumble/vent and comes it comes in fine.  I even recorded myself playing Dayz and talked into my mic, my recording of my voice is clear and loud though the person I was talking to didn't understand anything I had said.


    My mic is default in control panel and I've had this problem across many servers (I hear others just fine)

  15. Here's my first interaction (also first time playing Day Z)


    Looting some food in a house at night time when I walk by a window and hear bullets wizing by my head and hitting the wall.  I took off running outside alerting 3 zombies.  While I ran from the 3 zombies and a potential pursurer I come across 3 players in a field who began to yell "Player! Player!".  They told me to stop but I ran right through them, I then proceeded to hear "omg run!" as the 3 zombies directed their attention onto them.  I ran to the nearest neighborhood and ducked into a house to catch my breath.  While looking around I get hit in the back of the head from a baseball bat, no idea if it's my original player encounter or one of the 3 that were co-oping.  Again I took off running not having a weapon of my own.  Being chased I ran through houses and took sharp turns. I ended up prone behind a fense in a yard where I waited a very long time!


    I'm glad I got this game!
