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About Morbius221

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  1. Morbius221

    Character wipe temp solution.

    its not about server hopping, this happens to any player who logs in to curropted server and his character is wiped and that sucks.
  2. It is what it is. but now that i found my character wipe solution, I like to change my vote to no also. :-)
  3. Morbius221

    Character wipe temp solution.

    u dont have to server hop to one day log in to a bad server. just trying to help new players. dum ass
  4. Morbius221

    Character wipe temp solution.

    OK mommy, would u like to wipe my ass too?
  5. Morbius221

    Character wipe temp solution.

    I jump around between my 7 good servers that I have confirmed so far and finaly enjoying the game.
  6. Morbius221

    Character wipe temp solution.

    for the first time in 4 days, no character wipes for me. :-)
  7. Character wipe temp solution. Some of us / most of us have experienced character wipe. 5x personally. Every time i gear my dude up boom next server and wipe. After reading the several post with reason A, B, & C why this is happening, one explanation made scene to me. Something about some servers not keeping data and causing character wipes. From what I got out of it is that we have few f up servers. So when you server hop 20 servers + collecting gear or any other reason, you will hit this corrupted server eventually and next time you start your character will get wiped. Lets call this corrupted effectGreen mountain Russian roulette My solution that finally lets me play the game with out any wipes. thank f god. Do a test run with 10 servers. Write down the server you log in, collect some loot and jump to another server. If you make it to the 2nd server with your 1st server loot, then the 1st server is good. save it to favorites. Do this 10 to 20 times depending on your time. now you have bunch of favorites servers that will not wipe your character. Enjoy until the real fix comes in. P.S. If this post helped you, then please bumb it up for other new players.
  8. Morbius221

    Character wipe temp solution.

    For the first time in 4 days no character wipes with this methode
  9. Character wipe temp solution. Some of us / most of us have experienced character wipe. 5x personally. Every time i gear my dude up boom next server and wipe. After reading the several post with reason A, B, & C why this is happening, one explanation made scene to me. Something about some servers not keeping data and causing character wipes. From what I got out of it is that we have few f up servers. So when you server hop 20 servers + collecting gear or any other reason, you will hit this corrupted server eventually and next time you start your character will get wiped. Lets call this corrupted effectGreen mountain Russian roulette My solution that finally lets me play the game with out any wipes. thank f god. Do a test run with 10 servers. Write down the server you log in, collect some loot and jump to another server. If you make it to the 2nd server with your 1st server loot, then the 1st server is good. save it to favorites. Do this 10 to 20 times depending on your time. now you have bunch of favorites servers that will not wipe your character. Enjoy until the real fix comes in.
  10. Morbius221

    please remove the barracks at balota

    That game is what you want the game to be. If you want to fight it out then fight it out. if u want to explore then explore. let us choose our own path damn it.
  11. Morbius221

    please remove the barracks at balota

    Let the new players pick the baracks at Balota. Sorry but some of us just dont have 4 hours per day to go up north to explore. work and all. Some people just want to fight it out. if you dont want that kind of game play then you go north. I say as the game progresss just have better loot up north down the line. This is Alpha and there isnt much to do in the game just yet.
  12. What kills me is the character wipe. which seems to happen to me to often. So its annoying havening to restart and spending time looking for a knife and water.
  13. Hello Dev's. First let me say thank you for letting us try out the game early. This is Alpha and we all know the game is broken left n right. Do u really need us to waist hour over hour dying from hunger and thirst at the start of the game? I understand the final version of the game a new character should start with nothing and try to survive. But until then, since this is alpha, please give us a break. GIVE US A KNIFE TO OPEN FOOD WITH AND AN EMPTY BOTTLE OF WATER WITH NEW CHARACTER. Let us go out and explore the environment. We can help you trouble shoot more efficiently that way. Instead of wasting hour upon hour server hopping looking for a knife and a bottle of water just to survive. Just until you guys get the game more stable. Especially since you guys haven't fixed characters wipes. Bumb if you agree
  14. for me its not conflicting client/server versions since if it was i wouldnt be able to open doors. on top of that i check to make sure version match