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About lexsor

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    On the Coast

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  1. lexsor

    Water ponds still not working?

    So what i have found to work is fresh fruits and veggies contain enough water to stay above the thirsty threshold. Once you find a water bottle/canteen and some purification tabs you can just fill them up at ponds. This is the work around until they fix the water pumps in the towns.
  2. The medical system has been one of the funnest things i have played. A buddy and I made our way up the western side collecting and gearing up. He carried the food and I carried the first aid stuff. After we reached Zelen, we were pretty geared so we made our way back to Cherno and setup a make shift hospital. Anyone that came by who could hear us we would give them food, water and apply any first aid needed. It was a great expierence and not something that you hear about to much. The fact that we didnt have simplistic first aid made us a good tool for those who stopped by. This made it less apealing to someone who wanted to come KOS and take everything. Im sure it helped we were armed as well but i am hoping for more expierences like this. I hope rocket makes everything in depth like the medical system, including skills and expierence over time. I read a post earlier that talked about reading books to increase knowledge and expierence to try what you learn. That seems like a great way to make it more in depth.
  3. lexsor

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Yes, 10 mins and no connection.
  4. lexsor

    black and white screen

    I reported this problem and really haven't gotten to much of an answer. I posted my screenshots below and maybe you can tell me if this is kinda what yours looks like. Another user did post that if you go to options and select your graphics menu it removed the white blurriness but i have not tested this. As you can see in the screenshots, I am not bleeding nor am i thirsty or hungry, but the blurriness remains. Any advice would be most appreicated.