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Everything posted by Tara505

  1. Tara505

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Pretty sure you're just trolling at this point, lol. Let's stop feeding 'em guys. c: They just want attention.
  2. Tara505

    PvP... and not much else.

    I still think this thread is good at pointing out the issue for developers to see though. I see no problem with it as it is an issue that needs a fix. Also, your first sentence doesn't make much sense. Are you saying it doesn't matter if the alpha is fun or not? I'm not saying it isn't fun, just that your sentence is confusing.
  3. Tara505


    Meh, you gave me a little chuckle. Enjoy your beans. ♥ Now watch a bunch of people copy your joke and run it to the ground.
  4. Nope, I walk. :D For me, it's amazing for immersion anyway. I don't mind it one bit.
  5. Tara505

    Night time way too dark

    You know I was thinking about living in a cabin in the woods for maybe a week for my love of nature. Speaking as somebody who, despite being 23 years old, can't sleep without some light; you've just completely changed my mind in mere moments. o__O I never thought about the dark... *shudder*
  6. What's your issue with the hunger/thirst system? Also thanks for all the yummy beans guys! :D Wasn't expecting that, lol.
  7. Tara505

    PvP... and not much else.

    That right there is how I want the game to be! ♥ The excitement of running for your life from other survivors. :D But only on a rare-ish occasion. Guns and bullets are way too easy to find atm for those players who want to be all macho and server hop, so I'm sure there're probably a lot of people playing this game like CoD instead of a survival game. I want to play a game in which people are nervous about wasting bullets or risking their lives by fighting other players, not shooting anything that moves. Yet if they manage to stock up and survive after at least a month (which in the perfect world would be a huge challenge), they'll be well rewarded. That's what I truly want in the future. Sorry if this is hard to understand... I need to got bed. My brain is mush. >_>
  8. Tara505

    PvP... and not much else.

    Also maybe getting rid of the blood packs or w/e they're called? If you have friends and are stocked up on those blood packs and w/e that other item was that you need, who cares if you fall unconscious? Just gotta have a friend there for you, or use that reddit thing in which you can request for help if you're passed out. I wish dying meant restarting, period. That way people will be much more careful about not dying, which should be what a survival game is all about! (Also, I hate how players in groups have that major advantage over us solo players as I've already mentioned like twice now lol.)
  9. Tara505

    No more "I'm full" messages?

    I have to admit, I haven't been able to get a full message in a long time. Makes me a little worried, although I no longer have the hunger or thirst bars in my inventory screen. But still... D:
  10. Tara505

    PvP... and not much else.

    I've never had that problem, but I like to play in low pop servers. Also I never hang around the coast where the majority of players are. Edit: Oh and before I log off to go to bed, I have to say that I don't understand why you thought this would be a community game in which strangers help other strangers. This is a survival game with PvP always turned on and the ability to loot other players. If you ever watch zombie survival shows like The Walking Dead, you'll see that humans can be just as dangerous, if not more-so than zombies as long as they have something to gain from killing you. You know, like all of your food and equipment.
  11. Tara505

    Last update killed me.

    He'd be acting pissed off if he was trolling for attention. I highly doubt it.
  12. Tara505

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    Why would you play DayZ if you want easy guns? o__O; I'm sorry, but it doesn't make sense to me to play a survival game if you want easy weapons.
  13. Tara505

    Last update killed me.

    Sadly there will be a lot of wipes during alpha for balancing reasons. I think beta is usually when games stop wiping characters. Usually
  14. I agree, we shouldn't have to be forced to play with others if we don't want to. You have friends for that. This is a zombie/player survival game, not WoW. I like hiding in the shadows and fearing fellow players. If I see somebody, I'm either gonna get cocky and try to kill them for loot, or run for the hills lol (most likely I'll run, I'm not too much of a thrill seeker o.O). The fact alone that playing with other people basically makes you into a big killing machine should be enough incentive for players to play with their friends as it is. Honestly, if I see just 2 people together, I wont even think to try to kill them unless I'm desperate for supplies.
  15. Tara505

    Work in progress.

    Guys if you click, please post if it's a real screenshot or not. xD I'm too scared of the risk of screamers when I'm up at almost 4 in the morning, lol.
  16. Are you constantly jogging or sprinting? That can easily be why you're passing out a lot. I haven't passed out on my latest character yet, and I hardly have to eat or drink because I'm always walking unless I need to fight a zombie or something.
  17. After finally finding a server I like (low pop and good connection), I'm having a blast! Also the forums have been a great help with my survival. I wouldn't be doing nearly as well without you guys. I probably wouldn't have even learned to make rags from shirts, which is extremely crucial for survival. I'm actually surprised just how good the game is for being alpha, and I'm pretty sure most complainers are ignorant of certain aspects of the game. Examples: A lot of people complain about getting hungry and thirsty a lot. They most likely don't realize that walking makes your hunger and thirst lower much more slowly than jogging or sprinting. Also a lot of people don't seem to know there's a fatigue system. If you keep jogging or sprinting, your character is going fall unconscious just from the fatigue, even if you eat and drink a lot. A lot are complaining about a lack of items and walkers. What they might not realize is that's because they're either playing on a very high populated server or that coastal areas tend to be very low on items and walkers because it's where players spawn. Go north people! Walk away from the coast! :3 (Also towns seem to have more food and drinks than other areas) "I keep dying because walkers only have to hit me once to make me bleed to death!" Well, that's probably because you stood in one place for too long. Want to know how to kill a zombie without getting hit? Run (well, jog really) around in circles with it like a loon! They have a very slow attack, so if you keep moving, they can't get you. Also if you're brave enough to stop moving for just a moment to whack the walker (only do 1 whack then run again, don't get cocky lol), make sure you aren't in front of it. I occasionally get hit due to lag if I stop in front of the zombie. It might take a little while to master this strategy, especially because different levels of lag require some-what of a different movement strategy, if that makes sense. I learned that the hard way while trying to find a server I liked. I seriously can't stop playing this game. xD I haven't been this addicted to a video game in a very, very long time. It feels surprisingly stable as well, for alpha at least. I haven't run into any game breaking glitches in my adventures yet. My only complaints are that players server hopping without consequence and the lack of a respawn rate for zombies and items for people stuck in high pop servers are a little annoying. Oh and I hate that other players can revive their friends with blood packs or w/e the item was. Once you're dead, you should have to start over. Either that, or make an item in which you can revive yourself as well. Solo players shouldn't have to get screwed over for being solo. It's too big of an advantage IMO.
  18. Tara505

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Uh, way to really over-exaggerate. =/ The people who really struggle to find zombie infested towns are people who play high populated servers and/or stay at the coast. I certainly don't have that issue with the towns and such up north on the server I like to play on. And lol, 'fanboy scum'. Somebody takes forums rather seriously.
  19. Tara505


    Aha, I wish I had your skill for imagination. Sandbox gaming must be a heck of a lot more interesting for you than for most other people.
  20. Tara505

    One touch from a Zombie makes you bleed

    I quite like this system personally. Once you get the hang of running around in a circle with the zombie and wacking it with your fists or a melee weapon, they really aren't hard to kill. I rarely ever get hit. Not to mention all the rags in my inventory from all the shirts I've found. I'm pretty sure most people with this issue just stand still for the most part while smashing a zombie's brains in, or just don't know how to effectively run in circles with a zombie like a loon lol. Also I had no idea clothes affected hits. o__O Now I really regret skipping out on all those helmets I found. I'm gonna miss my wolf mask and silly hat though, lol.
  21. Ooo I'm glad that he does see it as something that needs to be implemented in the future. Can you link where he states that please? c:
  22. Tara505

    drink and food

    Also walking instead of jogging or sprinting will make you thirsty and hungry at a much slower rate.
  23. Tara505

    How long do i have to live Doctor?

    o___O; Such a thing exists?! How reliable is it?
  24. Tara505

    sick how to cure besides antibiotics?

    I could be wrong, but I think running too much and exhausting your character can make you sick. It does make you hungrier and thirstier faster and obviously there is the fatigue system. If that is the case, maybe you can use this as a lesson learned for next time? You can try resting whenever your character seems out of breath with F3 at the very least.
  25. Tara505


    Wait... we can only heal via these blood bag things? Is there an injury status that I'm not aware of? Because bandages and rags seem to work just fine for me when a zombie manages to get a hit on me. Also the idea of being forced to rely on other players puts a bad taste in my mouth. x__x I'm fine and happy with just running the moment I see anybody or even attempting to kill them maybe for loot if I'm feeling cocky. I really don't want to have to rely on anyone. I'm seriously hoping you're wrong here, because that'd be a big let down for me.