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About Tara505

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    California :D
  • Interests
    Gaming, animals, nature, television, movies, reading...

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  • Bio
    Real lives are silly. ♥
  1. Tara505

    Please for the love of god don't add "Sanity."

    Ha, that would be cool. I'd like that.
  2. Is this a serious comment? lol I can't tell. I don't think a survival game is the right game for you if you are. ;) Just saying.
  3. We can assume it's like The Walking Dead series in which everybody is already infected. You just don't turn unless you die. The zombies on the show just kill you with some other kind of infection or w/e when they bite. They don't infect you with the actual zombie virus.
  4. Tara505

    My opinion on Killing on sight...

    Oh gosh, I hope I'm never stuck in a room with you in real life lol.
  5. I'd love that, but it'd probably just have people who made their own private servers to avoid other players.
  6. o.O I don't think you realize this is a survival PvP game. Humans are supposed to be just as dangerous, if not more-so than the NPC enemies. Haven't you ever seen a zombie survival movie or show? Sobie, the guy was aiming a gun at him, so he logged out to not get shot in the face. Hence he combat logged. =__=; Such a stupid thing to argue about, seriously.
  7. Because he logged from the fear of having to be in combat. The guy was aiming the gun at him. Just stop... this thread is stupid. =/
  8. Thanks! ... I still need to find a can opener, lol.
  9. Tara505

    Too many veterans

    Um, have you tried actually leaving the coast and playing a low pop server? o.O I haven't died from another player yet (heck I haven't seen one), and loot is actually rather plentiful for me. In fact too plentiful for a survival game. My character has so much food and water, lol. I just need to find an army base or something and I'll be good. I'll probably even move to a high pop server to make things more interesting when I get a better gun. Also forums are extremely helpful to new players such as myself who haven't played the mod.
  10. Tara505

    I just have to say....

    Yay! glad to hear you like it! :D This game takes up like all my free time, lol.
  11. Tara505

    Why can't I find this city/town?

    The map I linked also has translation, and both websites don't seem to have this place. :c Thanks for trying though.
  12. Tara505


    Most likely because you jog or sprint all the time.
  13. I'm at a city/town and I can't seem to find it either in the in-game map or here for some reason. o.O Am I just being stupid or what? Here's a cropped screenshot of a sign I found by the place. I mean that is the name of it, right? I couldn't type it out, because the odd letters in the name. Any help would be great, as I would prefer to not wander aimlessly from place to place and knowing where I am would help greatly with that. c: Thank you!
  14. Tara505

    where are the zombies?

    I'm terrible at remembering location names. Is that place by the coast? If so, that's why. Also low pop servers will have much more loot and zombies than high pop.
  15. Tara505

    Laser pointers.

    I'd like a laser attachment for better accuracy I guess.