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About ival

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ival

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Direct text chat works and I have used it. You can be across a street in two different buildings and still receive the direct chat. My friends and I sometime troll people like this and when one person types we all receive it (even though we're in different buildings).
  2. ival

    I would like to see a farming system in DayZ.

    Well, the delay for farming should be at least 3 months irl..... So it would take a while but cool if it works.
  3. I can confirm. I was slightly desaturated but now (after about 5-6 hours) I am fully colored again. I kind of happened slowly so I am not sure how long it actually took.
  4. ival

    One Survivor's Suggestion Compilation

    1. I turned off my head bob 2. As a CS player I agree that motion is NOT fluid. People who think it is fluid should play Quake/CS/UT. 3. I'm fine with it. It can be improved but no big deal. I really like how different clothes give you extra space. Way more streamlined than before. 4. I think there should be MORE of these "little" things. I love all the added complexity of the game and the more the better (at least on the level we currently are). My biggest concern with the game: 5. There is too much loot on pristine loot spawns. This means that if I go to an empty server I can get ridiculous gear within an hour and not have to worry about hunger/thirst/sickness ever again. 6. There is no respawning of loot so on a busy server a freshspawn can easily die of hunger (as have I). Some of this could be alleviated simply by making can openers easier to find or allowing people to bang the can on other things to "open" (even if at loss of some of the food inside). 7. Zombies. I know they are a work in progress, but I hope there would be way more of them. 8. Running penalties. Once you are out of thirst/hunger cycle, you can run nonstop all you want. I am currently in a 7 hour character and I more or less run all the time and I never "feel tired" or whatever because I hydrate/eat whenever an indicator pops up (same with my 2 team mates). I shouldn't be able to constantly double tap w (turbo) and not have any negative effects.
  5. ival

    Food and Drink timer too short

    I think the big issue is that you start out thirsty/hungry. Once you satiate yourself for the first time keeping up is not too hard. My friends and I are running/turboing more or less continuously yet we have no indicators active because even at full sprint it takes like an hour to go hungry (once you're well satiated) and quite a few minutes to get thirsty (my current character has been alive for about 6 hours). Furthermore, there are waterbottle/canteens all around and wells at most cities. I currently have 2 full canteens and perhaps 4 sodas (as well as a bunch of food). I think that the current loot system rewards people who passed the initial step but the initial step is, of course, hard. I actually starved to death as my first char today as I couldn't find any food stuff (and you have like an hour before you die). Also, I noticed that if you are hit by zombies you can get sick/bleed and then the thirst/hunger gets to you even faster.
  6. ival

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Not pictured: defibrilator, all medical supplies, two full canteens, purification tablets, charcoal, loads of food, vitamins, pistol, knife, matches, head torch, gasmask, ~200 bullets, bible (book of jobs), etc... The mask works well with designer sunglasses to give the creepy eye look :P