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Everything posted by nomad21

  1. nomad21

    Dayz wishlist

    For the love of god please no class system! No linear class where we are tied to do a specifically one thing!
  2. nomad21

    headitems affecting screen

    Hmm idea is cool and please fix the image i cant view it
  3. oh we can? nice, so yeah 3rd person can go f itself
  4. nomad21

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    Welcome to Dayz.......
  5. Unless in first person we can see 180 then I would support the devs removing third person
  6. nomad21

    Mosin in Arma 2 ?

    The only game I know is Iron Front: Liberation 1944. It uses an Arma 2 engine and it has a mosin. So I guess you could practice it there or just go to an empty server and practice it on zombies
  7. nomad21

    Found this

    My friend sent me this youtube link: Removed Please can someone take care of it? Just reporting this :)
  8. nomad21

    Found this

    People can just use google for it :| I'm just reporting this for someone to get rid of such hack......
  9. nomad21

    The fun you can have when Fresh

    Cool story bro????? Why not use a weapon? Melee combat is completely broken
  10. nomad21

    Controller button assignment problems

    mouse and keyboard is WAY more superior than a controller!
  11. I hear somewhere that dayz is using VAC system for banning. Is that true?
  12. nomad21

    [Glitch] Getting DayZ Standalone for free

    haha.......ha........... <_<
  13. nomad21


    Had a pretty intense fight in Dayz with adrenaline rushing and everything, and when the fight has ended I got a headache. Why is that? :(
  14. nomad21

    Night time way too dark

    There are plenty of in game items that help you see at night.
  15. nomad21

    Invisible zombies?

    So I was looting, inside of a building and all of the sudden I was getting hit. Turned around no one was there and I still was getting hit! I kept hearing the zombie agro sounds and stuff, but no one was there! So I lost some good stuff :( Please fix this :D