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About WidespreadPanic

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. WidespreadPanic

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    The rule is very vague as well. What does 'just cause' mean. I'm sure everyone has a different perspective on what is 'just cause'. The lack of decent admin controls prevents admins from getting even the most basic information to prove their 'just cause'. Players have no feedback as to why they were kicked either. Until proper server management is implemented it's all a crap shoot. MetapoliC maybe you're the problem. Best advice is to find a few regular servers and stick to those instead of server hopping.
  2. WidespreadPanic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    "NO KOS" is not equal to "PVE ONLY", so I don't understand the violation. The rules don't state that you can't have "NO KOS" in the title. I believe it is wrong to assume the title of a server tells a person "how" to play the game. The title of a server merely suggests the kind of players the server is trying to attract or inform the joining player what game play to "expect" from players in the server. Regardless, either title is unenforceable with current admin controls. "EAT ONLY BEANS", is that against the rules? (assuming you haven't changed loot spawns and suggest that you will kick players for eating anything else) The rule is not "Don't tell people what to do on your server". It's "NO PVE". The rule should be, going by this logic, "You can not include game play style specific tags". KOS would fall under this suggested broader rule. So it is not irrelevant. The OP is asking if the community considers KOS = PVE or suggest the rule is modified to be more clear on the subject. The rule as it is stated is too specific for "NO KOS" to be a violation. IMO... As much as people cry and moan about KOS, either way, why would it not be allowed to state in the server title the game play to be expected from the players on a specific server. Further more, the admins are paying for the server, they should be able to name it what ever they want and encourage or discourage any game play they desire.
  3. WidespreadPanic

    Multiple Admin?

    Thanks guys, appreciate it.
  4. WidespreadPanic

    Multiple Admin?

    This may seem like a noob admin question... Is it possible for multiple people to login as admin? We just got a server going and noticed no one else could login as admin when someone else was logged in.
  5. WidespreadPanic

    Help test the latest patch

    Short lag spikes, no long rubber banding. Occasionally I'd teleport 10-20 meters randomly. Server seems to be down now...