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About Tonybalony

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Tonybalony

    Hive System - People are already server hopping

    If u switch servers u should respawn along the coast maybe instead of spawning where u last logged out if u go on a diff server
  2. Tonybalony

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    So far I like the food and drink texts where it sais u feel Hungary or you feel thirsty. The thing needed to be fixed for me are zombies hitting you through the walls and walking through walls and also is it possible to regenerate health while your Hungary? But not as much health regeneration as being full of food. 1 shot head shots to instant death no matter what your wearing on your head nothing is bulletproof
  3. Be good if u could actualy bayonet things with your gun lol anyone found out how to yet?
  4. Tonybalony

    What Have YOU Found

    haha theres a few itemsa u guys have named that i havent found yet thanks :D good stories keep em coming.
  5. Tonybalony

    Mosin 9130

    is there a way to use the bayonet on thew mosin to attack zombies?
  6. Tonybalony

    What Have YOU Found

    hey guys just starting this thread to see what kind of items you've found and picked up been having trouble finding stuff. So Far I've found, - fire extinguisher - food - soda - a fire axe - northern Chernarus map - 7.62 ammo - disinfectant - A Backpack - rope - Fruit (Apple, Kiwi Fruit, Banana) so far this is it let us know what else is out there thanks
  7. Tonybalony

    Can't climb ladders or open doors?

    cheers Kegaro gonna try it out now :D (Worked the Gameservers arent updated :D)