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About foxtrotprat@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. foxtrotprat@gmail.com

    Stuck in "debug" or Featureless plains Dayz SA

    Yea my best bet is probably twitter, but alas I dont have a twitter account. sad panda
  2. foxtrotprat@gmail.com

    Stuck in "debug" or Featureless plains Dayz SA

    As the title says, I was teleported to "debug zone" in the standalone. Some script kiddy did it. Cant die of starvation, tried deleting profile files in my documents, tried changing steam name. No dice. Suggestions?
  3. foxtrotprat@gmail.com

    IV saline bags?

    So as the top says im a little confuzzled about Saline bags. Are they strictly for reviving unconcious people as <http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Saline_Bag> states? Because if that is so it would make no sense, because last night I was transfused with saline and the color on my screen reapeared. Please help me clear this up and shed light on topic guys. Thanks