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SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

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About SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    Found a book: Russian Cheat Sheet.

    stary sober=Stary zabor which means old fence. Novy sobor=novy zabor which means new fence. Balota means swamp. I could go on for days about all the bland russian names in this game.
  2. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    Are the rumors true ?

    I feel sorry for the poor souls that will have to play the console version.
  3. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    psychological effects of banditry

    The jimmies have officially been rustled. lmao.
  4. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    psychological effects of banditry

    If this game's goal is to promote semi-realism, I'm not here to bitch about KOSing and all that nonsense, but I feel like this might be an interesting thing to add into the game. We could add psychological consequences for killing on sight. In the instance where a player racks up a large amount of bandit kills, they will experience screen blurring, and unsteady hands. White or red flashes could be incorporated into the effect, but it would symbolize the deterioration of the mind. The guilt starting to eat away at the individual's psyche. To reduce this effect, the player would have to take painkillers at a steady rate or begin to try and do good deeds to redeem their humanity. By doing good deeds, their humanity would go up and gradually the effects of guilt would subside. If you're just going to cry in the comments saying, "Get BTR @ the game skrub, 420 yolo. SURVIVA1 0f th3 f1tt35t bro" , you're better off just not commenting. Honestly, I just like the idea of a hardcore survival zombie simulator and I could care less about how people choose to play the game.
  5. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    "Bandits" A rant about certain people

    I hope that kid's computer rig bursts into flames.
  6. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    FPS drops

    Thanks for the answers about the FPS problems. I was worried that it was just my computer.
  7. SpetsnazGRU (DayZ)

    FPS drops

    Is the standalone not optimized yet or am I experiencing fps drops because my rig isn't beastly enough? I usually get 40 fps in the day z epoch mod but now I'm down to 25 in the standalone. If someone could shed some light on the matter, it would be greatly appreciated. Is this typical for a game in alpha or should i really consider an upgrade for my gaming pc? Its kind of distracting when you're playing the game ad everything isn't going smoothly.