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Everything posted by Hurricane43

  1. Hurricane43

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Pristine running shoes when worn make the player run faster. If you see a wooden stump and hit it with an axe several times it will fall over to its side(I think this is the animation for us to collect wood on these stumps) Defibrillator (Believe its two slots)
  2. Hurricane43

    Filling Canteen's

    Thanks also I was having a problem with this. Great info. :)
  3. Hurricane43

    My 2 cents for New players

    Hey all, I have Question. I had a canteen last night and was wondering what the trick was to filling it up. I knelt down by a pond but no action came up. any advice? thanks
  4. Hurricane43

    newbie needs some help!

    I am also very new, but welcome also. I have found that if doors to houses are open it appears they have been looted for the most part. I would try going on a server with limited people to get a feel for the game and possibly more loot around.
  5. Hurricane43

    every server is dark

    "US" servers for me being in NJ were all daytime tonight when I played after work. It seems their is a handful of servers labeled "US" for me and the other being NJ, NY, FL, etc. Was a great time.
  6. Hurricane43

    PvP... and not much else.

    ^Thanks buddy. Maybe finding an injection/pill when you feel vulnerable an lasts some time. If shot an severely injutred the switch kicks in for several secons with blurry screen to try an take out that enemy
  7. Hurricane43

    PvP... and not much else.

    I have been shot/ hacked all but one time. Mr Hall, I hope that you can implement an explosive that is triggered upon my death an the player who picks up my backpack is eliminated into space. The player has to craft this explosive first but then anyone wearing a backpack, maybe will be second guessed in killing that player. If i am shot/ hacked the time bomb is initiated upon said player looking at my grounded backpack. what about a last man standing, i am shot an have a weapon i have 5 seconds to shoot back while on ground and could prevent thise running around killing people?
  8. Hurricane43

    KoS mentality

    Had the nicest player ever. I was bleeding as i just started the game and a guy came over and bandaged me up. Told my wife I was shocked but it was one of the best things i ever experienced in 30 years if gaming. Thanks buddy whoever or wherever you are. You are awesomw
  9. Hurricane43

    Standalone is an empty wasteland

    Enjoy the sights and sounds of the beautiful world. Take it all in and be grateful we have a game in this day and age such as this. Problem solved.
  10. Hurricane43

    Rocket should relax!

    People just like to complain in general. It makes them feel better for the lack of support they receive by friends and family. The game at this stage is an amazing overhaul of what it was with the graphics, animations, etc. Congrats to Mr. Hall and his team.