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Everything posted by ghostsniper1199

  1. ghostsniper1199

    Epoch Or Vanilla?

    Since I started playing dayz, it has only been on the epoch mod. Lately It has been getting stale and I'm looking for a new experience, The only thing that makes me constantly second guess my self is the inability to build and lock up some of my prized loot/ vehicles. Tell me what you guys think :D EDIT: Also I've heard there is 'bases' on servers, can someone explain? And does Dayz vanilla run a bit better than epoch? Thanks for helping out a noob!
  2. ghostsniper1199

    Good DayZ Epoch Servers?

    Hello! I have been searching for ages for a good Epoch server and I figured I might be able to get some recommendations. I'm Running a low end PC and would like Indestructible building(plotpole or no plotpole) and maybe has a few players on. Thanks!
  3. ghostsniper1199

    Good DayZ Epoch Servers?

    Whats the IP, cant see it XD
  4. ghostsniper1199

    noob question...

    Hey Rick, I had issues with this when I first started playing the mod. I tried Uninstalling and reinstalling via the installer that came with ArmA: CO. I was only oble to fix by uninstalling battleye and running the installer from their website ---->>> http://www.battleye.com/download.html Good luck!
  5. ghostsniper1199

    Starting DayZ Problems

    I also am having this issue but already downloaded the most recent patch..
  6. ghostsniper1199

    Trouble joining servers...

    So my girlfriend bought me a new pc for christmas, and since then I have been trying to setup DayZ. Now I've researched my problem and searched the guides on the forum... but no direct answers only guides that have done nothing :/ the issue that im having is when i launch dayz from six launcher or DayZCommander (tried both) i get an error saying 'dayz error addon dayz_anim requires addon camisc_fix'. I click OK and continue, I get to where I load the server and there is a dialouge boc stating missing files such as pbo and other 'addons'. I have moved the addons from ArmA II to the Dayz addon folder. I've wiped the game and reinstalled three times and still have no solution. Much appreciated for any advice in advance
  7. ghostsniper1199

    Problems operating DayZ

    Hey Guys, So last week I bought ArmA 2 and Operation Arrow head on Amazon (digital download) And I could run ArmA but when I tried to play on a server for DayZ, I would get various error messages ranging from bad version to saying to remove certain files... If someone could guide me ( or send me a link) on how to set up dayz in detail it would be appreciated.
  8. ghostsniper1199

    ArmA II on windows 8

    Quick question, my Windows 7 computer is trashed so I bought myself a Windows 8 computer. It's a Dell, I was wondering if I can still run arma 2?
  9. Hey guys! So, I recently got a new computer and I am looking into purchasing Dayz... but I've ran into some dilemas. The buddies that I want to play with bought Arma 2: CO off of steam, but from what I've heard steam isn very reliable. I am looking into just downloading it off of amazon. But my primary question is will i be able to play with my friends if I buy it off of amazon and if I should just buy it off of steam.
  10. ghostsniper1199

    Questions on purchasing Arma for DayZ

    Thank you Steak, but is dayz commandera seperate mod you download with the mod? and Snapcase, we're planning on buying the standalone after alpha.. but I might buy that as well... just to support the team.