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About 0xtobit

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    On the Coast
  1. For completeness, note that F1 by default is not bound to "Taunt" or flipping off. It seems to be set to "" as default which is probably a bug. F1 by default is a wave.
  2. When I go into the menu and look at the key bindings, I find this is not an exhaustive list. Is there an exhaustive list? This sounds like a good use case for a wiki page. Perhaps http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Commands. I'm going to start posting the key bindings I know there, and I thought it would be nice if we could get an exhaustive list of all the commands and their default key bindings. If there is a better place to do this, I'm all ears. Thanks! Edit: turns out what I was missing was the drop down menu in the key bindings. You can then go through all the different groupings of commands to see their default key bindings. Well I still think it's worthwhile to get the most common ones on a wiki page that's searchable and perhaps some tips in here.