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Laitis (DayZ)

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About Laitis (DayZ)

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  1. Laitis (DayZ)

    Poisoned bullets?

    I really hope this is a troll threat because the IQ of this community is really starting to worry me.
  2. Laitis (DayZ)

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Doesn't bring enough ammo to kill hordes of noobs and decides to camp Elektro? Story sounds pretty pleb tier to me bro. Keep trying though.
  3. Laitis (DayZ)

    new patch, when?

    Expect the patch to never come out and then be surprised when it actually does. Works for me every time. Actually.
  4. Laitis (DayZ)

    will we ever get ballistic chest armor?

    There already is body armor in the game right now. In the form of a vest that says "Press" written across the front.
  5. Laitis (DayZ)

    Rocket in holiday doesn't mean nothing happens

    And where did you hear the patch was due next week? It was actually due 4 days ago and we haven't heard a word about except that it wasn't going to happen. Personally, I don't think we're going to see it next week either.
  6. Laitis (DayZ)

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Lost me here. Also OP
  7. Laitis (DayZ)

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    Somebody is mad
  8. Laitis (DayZ)


    Need I say more?
  9. Laitis (DayZ)

    42 Sacriel just got hacked

    You don't live in America do you?
  10. Laitis (DayZ)

    server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

    Then suck it up bud, 30 minutes isn't a long time. It would solve a lot more problems than cause, trust me.
  11. Laitis (DayZ)

    Some things I would like to see...

    On the issues of the map and doors. If you want to draw a map then go ahead. There's already a map of the country posted here http://dayzdb.com/map. Screen cap it and draw all over it if you like. Some things are better left out of the game than in. Now for the doors. I assume that you don't have much experience with the Real Virtuality engine that the game runs on. It's about 12 years old and doors have operated the exact same way since Operation Flashpoint and have persisted through the Arma series. I really don't see it changing in the near future.
  12. Laitis (DayZ)

    How to use the search function.

    inb4 Thousands of threads saying that the search bar is hacking and that it's too OP.
  13. Laitis (DayZ)

    long range zoom in bug / exploit

    The age that features become bugs has started.
  14. Laitis (DayZ)

    Experimental 113925

    It's like I'm really using EA customer support!
  15. Laitis (DayZ)

    Suppressors working?

    I remember reading on Rocket's twitter that the suppressors currently do not work. So at the moment they are just cosmetic tools of intimidation.